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The Study of Key Concepts of I-Kuan-Tao Interpreting Confucian Scriptures
作者 鍾雲鶯
本文的論述重心在於釐清一貫道詮釋儒家經典時所使用的關鍵性觀念與宗教語詞,我們可以發現,一貫道對於儒家經典的詮釋有其關鍵性的觀念,若不清楚這些觀念,可能會認為他們誤解了儒家思想。然而因為他們以宗教修持的理念詮釋儒家經典,使得儒家經典在民間社會得以廣傳,並且以宗教性的對話,開闢了儒家經典的另一注疏視野。「理、氣、象」是一貫道教義的思想核心,其本體論與心性論乃在此核心思想中發展而來,並藉以區別神聖空間與一般空間、心之善惡與人性之源。「道」與「教」之別是一貫道傳教所要宣揚的重點之一,說明「道」得之不易,是唯一的真理,可以讓修持者回歸本體,而「教」只具有教化作用,卻無法教導人回溯性命本源,故而認清「道」、「教」之別,成了一貫道詮釋經典時的重要觀念。 由於一貫道強調性、理之源,故而落之於人身之中,亦強調個人形體生命之源,配合河圖之相位,說明人之性命本源乃在「玄關」,而「玄關」位居人首之中,又位居河圖「五十中位」,故又稱「十字架」。「玄關」之說乃配合性理之論以說明人的性命本,修道必須依此而修方能成道,故而一貫道對儒家經典的詮釋十分重視對「玄關」的描繪,藉以說明千經萬典的核心,無非藉文字指明「玄關」本性的重要。道統、心法與三期末劫是一貫道紹承明清以來民間教派的傳統,所不同者,一貫道強調現今「白陽期」是大道廣開普渡之時,故而人人可求聖人仙佛之道,更重要的,一貫道認為他們是孔門心法的正統,並以道、劫並降說明其救世渡人的緊迫性與合理性。 最後談到一貫道對「一貫道」的詮釋。以「理」為核心思想是一貫道教義的基礎,故而一貫道對宇宙本體、個體本源的解釋都離不開「理」。是以其亦將「一貫道」三字放置於「理」的範圍中,故而將「一」神聖化,認為「一」即理、即道。故而所謂「一貫之道」即將貫徹古今時空的本體,就個人而言,則是「得一」洞察生命本然的大人。我們觀察一貫道詮釋儒家經典幾個重要性的觀念,可以發現,他們乃在「性即理」的傳統中將儒家經典宗教化,而且以「理」本體為核心,關於對宇宙本體、人之本性的詮釋,都離不開這個範疇,因此談「理、氣、象」、「道與教」、「玄關與十字架」、「道統、心法、三期末劫」、「一貫之道」,雖用不同的語彙,但仍環繞在「理」的思想核心,一切解釋,無非要我們對洞察本心本性的根源,進而回歸理天本體。一貫道雖以宗教修持的角度詮釋儒家經典,卻也開創了儒家經典詮釋在民間社會的另一面貌,也使我們更能體認儒家思想對各個層面的影響,以及不同的發展,並且以不同的角度審思儒家經典在民間社會的演變與轉化。
This study presents the key concepts of I-Kuan-Tao interpreting Confucian scriptures. Principle (理), Material Force (氣) and phenomenon (象) are the core doctrine of I-Kuan-Tao. Its theories Of Noumenon and Self-Cultivation are based on this core doctrine. And, this core doctrine also segregates the normal space and the holy space. The difference of Tao and Religion is the key point of I-Kuan-Tao's preach. It presents Tao is the only truth and makes the believers back to Source. But, the religions only have the function of teaching, but make the believers back to Source. Because I-Kuan-Dao emphasizes the source of Nature (性) and Principle (理), on the human bodies, it also emphasizes the source of Life. Per the direction of the River Map (河圖), the source of Life is at Shian-Guan (玄關). Shain-Guan is at the center of the head and at the center of the River Map (河圖), so it is called 'Cross'. I-Kuan-Tao's interpretation for Confucian scriptures is focused on the description of Shian-Guan (玄關), it points out the key point of all scriptures. The orthodoxy, the mind way and the three stages ending are the key concepts of the popular religions since Ming and Ching dynasties, including I-Kuan-Tao. The difference is, I-Kuan-Tao emphasizes this age is White Stage (白陽期), God saves people's soul in this stage. The last paragraph is the interpretation of the means of 'I-Kuan-Tao' by I-Kuan-Tao. I-Kuan-Tao interprets the three characters of 'I-Kuan-Tao' per the category of Principle. It makes the meaning of 'I' to be holy. Therefore, the meaning of 'I' is Principle and equals to 'Tao'.
起訖頁 37-71
關鍵詞 馬祖道一傳記洪州宗禪宗Mazu DaoyiBiographyHongzhou SchoolChan Buddhism
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 200412 (4:1期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-上一篇 從王權觀的轉化看斯里蘭卡佛教史詩與僧伽羅意識之形塑
該期刊-下一篇 戰後台灣的佛教出版事業:以陳慧劍為例




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