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The Formation of Buddhist Epic and Sinhala Consciousness in Sri Lanka from the Perspective of Transformation of Kingship
作者 黃柏棋
本文以佛教和僧伽羅意識(Sinhala consciousness)的關係為主題,探討斯里蘭卡早期佛教文化思想史中所展現的一些獨特風貌,同時也跟主流的國族主義(nationalism)論述做出對話並與之辯難。本文將從王權、語言、正典和史詩等不同的角度出發,論析佛教從印度次大陸來到楞伽島上,在相關思想上的一些重大變化。先是阿育王(Aśoka)護法(dhamma)身分的出現給予了上座部佛教一個保護佛法(sāsana)的新王權觀。此外,佛陀的寬鬆語言政策到了楞伽島之後,則成為了獨尊巴利文(Pāli)為聖典語言之堅持;而佛典三藏(Tipiṭaka)之集成,則轉而成為延續正統之系譜史(vaṃsa)的編纂。如此一來,正典(canon)乃轉變為一種史詩(epic)。在《大史》裡面,護衛佛法的度多伽摩尼(Duṭṭhagāmaṇī)則成為了僧伽羅的阿育王。上述的重大改變,使得斯里蘭卡上座部佛教具有與楞伽島上佛教命運榮辱與共之強烈歷史意識,普世宗教之信念逐漸演變成與族群相關之僧伽羅意識。這是一種與時並進、各方因勢利導的宗教--歷史意識,其中所呈現之現世--政治關懷亦有跡可尋。
This essay deals with the relationship between Buddhism and Sinhala consciousness. It is a contribution to the study of the ideological configuration of Theravada Buddhism in term of its significance in early intellectual history of Buddhism. This article is divided into three portions. The first part discusses the problem of transformation on the idea of kingship in early Buddhism from India to Lanka. King Aśoka is the key figure. Though Aśoka appears to be the dharmarāja (righteous king) in his edicts, his portraits in avadāna (legend) and vaṃsa (chronicle) texts are dissimilar in character out of different concerns. In Theravada tradition, Aśoka becomes the embodiment of the protector of sāsana (the teaching of the Buddha). The second part investigates the issue of the canonical language in Buddhism. While the Buddha encourages the using of local languages in dissimilating his teachings, the Theravādins insist the sacredness of scriptural language. In the last part, I explore the emergence of vaṃsa texts in Lanka to define the distinctive features of Sinhala Buddhism. The Mahāvaṃsa is the most influential vaṃsa text in Lanka. Witnessing from the Mahāvaṃsa, the Theravāda Canon has been transformed into the Sinhala Epic and Aśoka has become King Duṭṭhagāmanī. In the process, the 'territorialization of faiths' becomes apparent. Buddhism as a universal religion develops into a symbol of cultural identity intertwined with politics, history and ethnicity.
起訖頁 1-35
關鍵詞 宗族宗教民間佛教clanreligionpopular Buddhism
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 200412 (4:1期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-下一篇 一貫道詮釋儒家經典之關鍵性觀念的考察




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