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Empathy in Religious Studies
作者 盧蕙馨
Studies of Han religion have mainly focused on religious behavior and organization than individual belief experiences. Drawing on long-term fieldwork, the author reflects upon the issue of 'empathy' in studying religion. Given that religion involves humanities such as philosophy, ethics, and aesthetics, the researcher has to sympathetically understand, and get close to the belief system of, the researched. Methodologically speaking, 'participant-observation' of anthropological work is not able to highlight what 'empathy' means in religious studies. The author argues that even the researcher's personal experience of becoming a kind of believer/insider is pertinent to the study. 'Empathy' takes into account the believers' experiences with regard to life, morality, and affection, rather than ideas, function and rationality in academic concerns. This article discusses how religious beliefs are characterized by bodily, mental and spiritual aspects. It is only through feeling into life realities represented by sentiments, narratives and bodily actions of the researched can a researcher understand why people are morally and emotionally motivated to participate in religious activities. Also, the researcher may have to attend to the researched's sense of being beyond this world and this life, and sense of self-other connection. 'Empathy' as such will lead to deep understanding of religious experiences.
起訖頁 1-47
關鍵詞 程度結構等級焦點「太」與「了」的共現句內成分與句子邊緣的依存性隱性焦點degree constructionsscalar focustai...le co-occurrencesentence-internal and sentence-peripheral dependencysilent focus
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 200409 (3:1期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-下一篇 入道與行道:趙昇一系天師教團的黃赤教法




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