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The Interfaith Dialogue between Protestants and Catholics: The Christian Freedom
作者 林鴻信
The concept of freedom as a central concept of Luther's theology is explored with an expectation that the mutual understanding will be promoted, and that the interfaith dialogue between Protestants and Catholics will be deepened. We start with the position of Luther with a contrast to the position of Trent Council and then refer to the viewpoints of other Reformers. After exploring the implications of the concept of freedom, and referring to the viewpoint of the modern Catholic theologian K.Rahner and the relevant discussion of the Catholic scholars in Taiwan, we try to clarify both the positions of Protestants and Catholics. We find out that both sides have contended for the 'positive freedom', that is to say, the Christian freedom is a 'want to do' from one's own will, rather than an 'ought to do' imposed by others. And both sides have much crossover of 'the mature state of freedom' apart from 'the elementary state of freedom'. The disputation about the doctrines usually brings in the endless confrontations and misunderstandings. But the action originated from faith might bring in the unity. We therefore believe that the consensus of the Christian freedom could be a breakout point for the interfaith dialogue, because the concept of freedom is directly related to action. The discrepancy of doctrines might be resolved through the consensus of action.
起訖頁 91-105
關鍵詞 宜蘭閩南語方言元音系統陽入原調語音變異語音變化Yi-lan dialectvowel systemyang-entering original tonesound variationsound change
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 200010 (1:1期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-上一篇 「光明之子」與「黑暗之子」:《死海經卷》所反映的虛實世界
該期刊-下一篇 試論中國早期道教對於醫藥的態度




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