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國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Study on the Conflict Management of NIMBY Facilities
作者 李永展 (Yung-Jaan Lee)
「鄰避」(Not-In-My-Back-Yard, NIMBY)往往被視為是個人或社區反對某種設施或土地使用所表現出來的態度,這種又被稱為鄰避症候群(NIMBY Syndrome)的環境衝突,在世界各國已經成為一個不易解決的問題,因此,在整體規劃鄰避設施時便應重視鄰避衝突之管理,以消弭設施周圍民眾的不滿,進而減緩鄰避設施設置、更新、營運的阻力。本文主要目的即透過鄰避設施意涵的分析,探討鄰避設施的空間衝突、管理模式及其和解對策。民眾反對鄰避設施的原因可歸納為經濟、社會、心理及政治等四個層面,而鄰避衝突產生的原因至少包含空間認知不同、利益分配不均、資源分配不均、資訊傳播不正確等因素。為消弭都市服務設施的鄰避效果,本文建議應透過合作管理的策略,採用鄰避設施的衝突管理模式,以協調並消弭各種不必要的鄰避衝突。而為有效管理鄰避設施的空間衝突,本文提出風險減輕方案、經濟誘因及民眾參與等三種政策工具。
NIMBY (Not-In-My-Back-Yard) has been described as the attitude against the siting of certain facilities or land uses. Environmental conflicts derived from the NIMBY syndrome has become a critical issue for countries around the world. Therefore, in planning and siting NIMBY facilities, the conflict management must be considered to prevent malcontent reactions from nearby neighborhoods and hence reduce NIMBY effects. The main purpose of this article is to explore the context of NIMBY facilities and to propose NIMBY conflict management strategies. Four perspectives can be examined in analyzing NIMBY syndrome: economic, social, psychological, and political. On the other hand, the causes of NIMBY conflicts can be categorized as follows: different spatial cognition, unbalanced interest distribution, unbalanced resource distribution, and inaccurate information. To mitigate NIMBY conflicts, a cooperative management strategy must. be adapted to develop a NIMBY conflict management model. Furthermore, to effectively manage NIMBY spatial conflicts, this article proposes three widely used policy tools--risk-reduction programs, economic incentive programs, and public participation.
起訖頁 33-44
刊名 國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究學報  
期數 199812 (9期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所
該期刊-上一篇 結合『移轉份額』模式與『經濟基礎』模式以分析地區資料之初探
該期刊-下一篇 對林與錢文的兩點回應




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