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Foreign Capital, Business Networks, and Industrial Development: Flow of Japanese Capital in Export-oriented Taiwan
作者 洪紹洋
本文以 1960 年政府開放外資為首,至 1972 年日臺斷交為下限,透過對日資 來臺的考察,說明外來資本與本地資本的連結性。 從產業發展與資本積累的觀點來看這段時期的臺灣經濟,許多資本家早於 1950 年代即嘗試發展新興工業,但在技術能力不足的困境下,進而透過導入日資 的方式引進技術與資金,揚棄原有的事業名稱,成為日本海外投資的一環,生產 日本品牌的商品。從家電事業的事例來看,伴隨在臺生產製品數量的增加,再加 上政府自製率的要求,有助於衛星工廠的專業化經營。亦即,當日本資本融入本 地經濟之運作後,帶動臺灣的產業升級與促使資本家經營型態改變。 以往常強調戰後臺灣以出口為導向的經濟成長,中小企業扮演著相當重要的 角色,較少著墨外資的貢獻。不論是臺日兩方合資的企業,或是與日本技術合作 的本地企業中,從廠房建置時所需的資本財與原料,乃至商品的國際流通所具備 的銷售網絡,在一定程度上有賴日資的支援。 1970 年中華人民共和國國務院總理周恩來提出的對日四原則,曾一度造成部 分日資撤退,然臺灣政府的經濟決策單位與外交系統並未採行激烈的經濟制裁作 為反擊,而是在短暫抵制後即以柔軟的務實經濟持續發展對日經濟。探究原因, 為當時臺灣公營事業的設備更新,還有民間部分產業的原料與技術均高度仰賴日 本,無法斷絕對日經濟交流,顯現出當時臺日間政經往來呈現經濟優先的態勢。
This study examines the effect of Japanese capital on Taiwan's economy from 1960, when Taiwan opened up to foreign capital, until 1972, when Taiwan and Japan severed their ties. Moreover, it explores the relationship between foreign and Taiwanese capital in the light of Japanese capital flow in Taiwan. Between 1960 and 1972, Taiwan's economy was characterized by industrial development and capital accumulation. As early as the 1950s, numerous Taiwanese capitalists attempted to develop new industries. However, owing to insufficient technical capabilities, they imported technology and capital through Japanese companies. Specifically, they renounced their original company name and became part of Japanese overseas investment, producing goods of Japanese brands. Take the case of home appliance industry for example, both increase in domestic production and the local content requirement imposed by the government contributed to specialized operation of satellite plants. In other words, the integration of Japanese capital into Taiwan's economy promoted the upgrading of domestic industries, and drove local capitalists to change their business operations. Prior research often emphasized the pivotal role played by small and medium businesses in Taiwan's export-oriented economic growth since 1945, with little attention paid to the contribution of foreign capital. In fact, Japanese companies had been prominently involved in joint ventures and collaborations with local companies, and Japanese technology had been widely adopted in domestic productions. Japanese companies had provided assistance in the form of capital and materials for building factories and marketing networks that put Taiwanese goods in the international arena. In 1970, Zhou Enlai, the then premier of the People's Republic of China, proposed four principles of Sino-Japanese relations, which caused some Japanese companies to leave Taiwan. However, instead of fighting back with fierce economic sanctions, the Taiwanese government launched a boycott only for a short time, followed by a mellow and pragmatic approach to developing sustainable economic relations with Japan. Such response was due to Taiwan's heavy reliance on Japanese materials and technology for development of its industries and equipment update of its public sector, making it difficult to sever economic exchanges with Japan. Obviously, economics had taken priority over politics in the relationship between Taiwan and Japan.
起訖頁 97-141
關鍵詞 外來投資日本資本三菱商事資本積累加工出口區周恩來四原則Foreign CapitalJapanese CapitalMitsubishi CorporationCapital AccumulationExport Procession ZoneFour Principles of Zhou Enlai
刊名 臺灣史研究  
期數 201912 (26:4期)
出版單位 中央研究院臺灣史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 一九五○年代白色恐怖在宜蘭:以「蘭陽工委會案」及「羅東紙廠案」為中心
該期刊-下一篇 近二十年臺灣縣(市)志人物志纂修評析:以中部地區為例




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