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Analysis of Work Autonomy and Gender Income Gap in Taiwan
作者 陳雅惠 (Ya-Huei Chen)
本研究之目的在於探究工作自主度作為一種外在於個人的工作特質,如何影響收入之高低,而性別在此關係內扮演何種角色,男性受雇者與女性受雇者所受到的影響又是否有所差異。  收入議題長期以來一直為社會科學家所關注與研究,但在人力資本理論作為基本的架構下,社會學對於社會結構與文化的想像,實際上仍然可對此議題有加以補充之處,而工作自主度在本研究中作為一個人無法決定之工作特性,亦能突顯出結構在此關係中扮演的角色與意義。故本研究將從經濟學對於工作自主度與收入之理解角度出發,在「效率工資」與「報酬替代」的兩個框架下,利用台灣社會變遷調查2005年問卷二「工作與生活」中的變項資料,進行大樣本的統計分析。築基於台灣這一東亞國家的社會結構下,研究者將從基本之描述統計出發,進一步利用變項間之相關與逐步迴歸模型,控制其他變項後,以社會學的角度補充經濟學觀點,在此基礎下,細究工作自主度、性別與收入三者之關係。
The purpose of this research is understanding the relationship of work autonomy and gender income gap and how work autonomy influence the income gap which is based on the gender difference. The income gap is the one of Social issues, which social scientists dedicate to do the researches in the decades. Further, under the human resource theory and based on the viewpoint of the social fabric and culture in Sociology, some crucial points still need to be studied. In this research, on the one hand, because work autonomy is working feature which cannot be easily judged by one person, this can show what role of working feature plays and meaning in the social structure. On the other hand, from the definition of work autonomy and revenue in Economics and in terms of the framework of efficiency wages and alternative remuneration, this research analyzes the data, which is from the “work and lifestyle” variables of the Taiwanese Social Changes survey on 2005. The study would be divided into three steps to analyze the relationship of work autonomy, gender and income based on the social fabric of Taiwan. First of all, the study would show the descriptive statistics, then analyze the relationship between different variables in Stepwise regression model. After analyzing, in conclusion, the study will discuss more Economics viewpoints, based on Sociology.
起訖頁 98-115
關鍵詞 性別不平等工作自主度收入效率工資報酬替代Gender inequalityWork autonomyIncomeEfficiency wageAlternative remuneration
刊名 勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 201906 (27:2期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 育兒婦女就業歷程初探
該期刊-下一篇 台灣醫院企業社會責任報告之職業安全衛生實踐和揭露




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