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A Concept Analysis of Cancer-Related Fatigue in Children
作者 洪嘉玟 (Chia-Wen Hung)王秀紅 (Hsiu-Hung Wang )周汎澔
癌因性疲憊(Cancer-Related Fatigue)會影響癌症病童生理、心理與社會層面的安適狀態,讓病童感到痛苦及困擾,導致生活品質變差,妨礙病童發展。目前國內外對於兒童癌因性疲憊雖有文獻探討,但多為闡述疲憊的症狀及量表發展之信效度檢測,缺乏有系統的概念分析。本文依據Walker及Avant之概念分析方法,進行兒童癌因性疲憊的概念分析,藉此闡述其定義特徵及屬性,透過列舉典型案例、邊緣案例、相關案例、相反案例,以釐清其概念,確認兒童癌因性疲憊發生之前置因子與後果,並檢視相關實證資料。期望能提供臨床護理人員對兒童癌因性疲憊的了解,以運用於臨床實務,達到以病童為中心的照護品質。
Cancer-Related Fatigue affects the physical, psychological, and social well-being of cancer children, causing pain and distress, resulting in poor quality of life and impeding the development of children. The current literature on cancer-related fatigue in children primarily elaborates the symptoms of fatigue and on the reliability / validation of scales developed to assess cancer-related fatigue in children. We conducted a concept analysis of cancer-related fatigue in children using the method proposed by Walker and Avant. We elucidated the definition of relevant terms and identified the characteristic attributes, antecedents, and consequences of cancer-related fatigue in children. Additionally, this paper provideed examples of model, borderline, contrary, and relevant cases and reviews relevant empirical data. Finding may provide nursing staff with understanding of the concept of cancer-related fatigue in children for use in clinical practice in order to achieve child-centered quality care.
起訖頁 26-34
關鍵詞 兒童癌因性疲憊概念分析childrencancer-related fatigueconcept analysis
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 202003 (31:1期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 探討晚期非小細胞肺癌接受標靶治療不同階段的患者皮膚毒性嚴重度差異
該期刊-下一篇 運用跨域與創意思考於護理課程之現況及未來趨勢:以某科技大學為例




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