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Nursing Experience in the Application of Leventhal's Self-Regulation Theory to Postoperative Mental-Physical Disorders in Patients with Rectal Cancer
作者 林虹妤柯幸芳 (Hsing-Fang Ko)
Patients with rectal cancer usually hard to cope with stress since they often experience big impact on physical, psychological, and social aspects due to changes to their body structures and appearances after surgery. This article described the nursing experience of taking care of a 35-year-old man with rectal cancer who received intra-abdominal cancer excision and permanent colostomy. Although the physician already explained to the patient, the patient still could not accept permanent changes resulting from colostomy and react with refusing to learn and disengaging. He was worried that his appearance would affect his working conditions and invite unpleasant judgment from his colleagues and clients. During the period of nursing care between April 18, 2018 and May 4, 2018, the author used integrity assessment to identify the nursing problems. Data were collected through observation, listening, interviews, physical assessment, and review of medical records. The following health issues were identified: acute pain, disturbance body image, and ineffective coping. Leventhal's self-regulation model was employed to physical and psychological care. Regarding the physical aspect, the patient was taught the skills of attentional shifting to relieve pain and promote comfort. Regarding the psychological aspect, listening and companion were applied to help establish good therapeutic relationship. Medical care information were provided so that the patient could adjust his attitude to accept his body appearance and adapted effective self-care. Consequently, the author helped the patient to return to work and maintain the quality of life. This nursing experience provided a useful reference for nursing.
起訖頁 558-568
關鍵詞 直腸癌身體心像紊亂無效性因應能力Leventhal自我調節模式rectal cancerdisturbance body imageineffective copingleventhal's self-regulation model
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201912 (30:4期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 運用安寧理念照護一位急救後恢復自發性心跳之病人與家屬預期性哀傷之護理經驗
該期刊-下一篇 一位青少年動靜脈血管畸形併腦出血之護理經驗




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