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Status and Outlook of International Medical Services in Taiwan
作者 賴旗俊陳憲葳唐婉如 (Woung-Ru Tang)
The medical level of Taiwan is highly acknowledged in Asia and even around the world. Since the government actively promotes the “new southward policy”, international medical services have been regarded as an important medical tourist industry and the government is also relieving related policy restrictions to stimulate its development. All major hospitals are striving to seize this new business opportunity. Despite the fact that international medical service has become the development trend, what is its service quality apart from the economic profits? The latter actually deserves more attention of the industry, authorities, and academic field. Therefore, it is important to research on the quality of international medical services. In review of all research literatures related to international medical services, it is found that only one article is from Taiwan. Its author explored through qualitative research method why 18 customers from Mainland China selected Taiwan as their medical tourist destination and their impression of medical services in Taiwan. As majority of the respondents came to Taiwan for healthcare services, their opinions may be different from international medical customers with illness. Thus more research are needed to investigate the opinions about the quality of international medical services in Taiwan from customers with different medical purposes (healthcare vs illness treatment), patients from different countries (Mainland China vs other SEA countries) or different types of international medical patients (self-financed medical group vs humanistic medical assistance). The author argued that although the international medical services are prospering in Taiwan, the focus shall be on the stable and continuously improved quality of services. Only in this way can it improve the medical service satisfaction and return visit willingness of patients seeking for international medical services as well as their willingness to recommend others to come to Taiwan for medical services, thus bringing more longterm business opportunities for international medical services in Taiwan.
起訖頁 459-465
關鍵詞 國際醫療醫療旅遊服務品質international medicinemedical tourismservice quality
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201912 (30:4期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 溫水足浴對中風病患疲憊與睡眠品質之成效探討
該期刊-下一篇 尊重生命的選擇~淺淡病人自主權利法




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