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The Effect of Warm-water Footbath on Fatigue and Sleep in Stroke Patients
作者 李婉菁 (Wan-Jing Li)谷大為蔡文鐘蔡培癸劉雪娥 (Hsueh-Erh Liu)
背景:大多數中風後病患常有疲憊和睡眠障礙的問題,若是忽略可能會影響整體健康狀況和復原。目的:本研究在探討溫水足浴對中風後病患的疲憊和睡眠品質之成效。方法:本研究採類實驗型研究設計,研究對象為北部某地區醫院復健病房之住院病患,控制組51人,實驗組41人。控制組病患採常規照護;實驗組病患持續七天在睡前接受41℃的溫水足浴。兩組皆接受結構式問卷調查,測量工具包括:病人基本資料、疲憊嚴重程度量表、維辛式睡眠量表,所收集的資料以SPSS18.0統計軟體執行資料處理及分析。結果:控制組與實驗組樣本皆有疲憊狀況(4.24±0.98 vs. 4.16±0.94)。控制組隨著住院天數增加,後測(4.43±1.00)疲憊程度高於前測(4.24±0.98),達統計上顯著差異(t=-3.23, p=.02)。實驗組後測(3.13±1.03)的疲憊程度低於前測(4.16±0.94),達統計上顯著差異(t=8.93, p=<.001)。此外,控制組的睡眠品質前測(728.43±145.24)和後測(730.55±136.25)差異不大(t=-0.39, p=0.70),但實驗組後測的睡眠品質(958.10±117.41)高於前測(698.93±212.39),且達統計上顯著差異(t=-10.60, p=<.001)。結論:本研究發現,足浴可緩解疲憊並改善睡眠狀況。值得嘗試於臨床中推廣。
Background: Most stroke patients experience fatigue and sleep disturbance in different phases of disease. Untreated fatigue and sleep disturbance can lead to worsening overall health of patients and a slowed recovery process. Purpose: This study aims to investigate the effect of warm-water footbath on fatigue and sleep in hospitalized post-stroke patients. Methods: In our study, a quasi- experimental design was applied. The stroke subjects were recruited from two rehabilitation wards in a regional hospital located in northern Taiwan. Fifty-one subjects in the control group received routine care, while forty-one subjects in the experimental group received additional warm water footbath. The warm water footbath with 41℃ was lasted 15 minutes before bedtime for 7 nights. All subjects received structured questionnaires, including Fatigue Severity Scale and Verran and SnyderHalpern Sleep Scale. All data were analyzed using SPSS Windows 18.0 statistical software. Results: Fatigue was common in both the experimental (4.16±0.94) and control (4.24±0.98) groups. However, the severity of fatigue increased significantly in the control group (t=-3.23, p= .02) whereas the severity of fatigue was decreased in the experimental group (t=8.93, p= < .001). After the implementation of footbath, only the experimental group reported significant sleep improvement (t=-10.60, p= < .001). Conclusion: We found that warm water footbath could relieve the severity of fatigue and improve the quality of sleep. Clinical implication is strongly suggested.
起訖頁 445-458
關鍵詞 腦中風疲憊睡眠溫水足浴strokefatiguesleepwarm-water footbath
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201912 (30:4期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 內科加護病房譫妄病人家屬之調適經驗
該期刊-下一篇 台灣國際醫療的現況及展望




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