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Sen1antic classification for Patterns Containing Non-Text Symbols in Mandarin Text
作者 Feng-Long Hwang (Feng-Long Hwang)Ming-Sbing Yu (Ming-Sbing Yu)Ming-Jer Wu (Ming-Jer Wu)Shyh-Yang Hwang (Shyh-Yang Hwang)
In this paper, we address the semantic classification of non-text symbols in Mandarin text using multiple decision classifiers. Some non-text symbols (e.g., '/' and ':')appear frequently within the Mandarin texts (such as newspaper, magazine and files in Internet). Usually, these symbols in sentence may have more than one possible oral expression. In contrast to 2-gram, 3-gram and n-gram language models, the paper proposes the multiple layer decision classifiers, which can resolve the category ambiguities of oral expression for patterns containing one or several non-text symbols in Mandarin texts efficiently. There are two principal phases in our proposed approach: training phase and classification phase. Currently, classification phase contains two decision classifiers. We can predict the correct category of the non-text symbols then translate the non-text symbols into correct oral expression further. The empirical precision rates for inside and outside test are 97.8% and 93.0% respectively.
起訖頁 55-66
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 1999 (1999期)
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學輔導與諮商研究所
該期刊-上一篇 國語文句翻台語語音系統之研究
該期刊-下一篇 動詞詞構與語法功能互動初探




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