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Studies on the Factors Affecting the Yield and Quality of Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe)
作者 林昭雄
種塊愈大,產量愈高,但50與75公克處理區差異不在。底端部位間部位之種塊發芽發根較早,而頂端部位萌芽較遲,種植時宜分開,以便於肥培管理。株距愈密,產量愈高,株距20公分比較30公分處理區產量約高30%。不同覆土厚度對萌芽數,莖長及分葉數有響響。覆土5公分厚度萌芽數較少,但莖長較高,分蘖數較多,根群發育較旺。土壤pH 6.5-7.0對薑之萌芽及初期生育似乎有利,pH低於5.0對薑之生育不佳。三要素對薑之效應以氮為最大,但不宜多,鉀次之,磷較低。在中等肥力土壤公頃施用氮肥100-150公斤,磷肥150-200公斤,鉀肥200公斤較適宜。堆肥用量處理間差異不顯著,用量似以每公頃10-20公噸為適宜。遮蔭對於薑之生育及產量影響甚大。薑種植後萌芽甚慢而且不整齊,不僅延長生育期間而且影響肥培管理。用0.8%之硫氰銨液,1ppm之奇伯雲液及2星期之5℃低溫處理均有顯著之催芽效果,但5℃低溫處理6星期容易引起生理障礙,種植後腐爛率高。薑在貯藏期間發生萌芽之早晚與採收前之土壤含水量與成熟程度有關,土壤含水量高者薑採收後萌芽較快,但採收4週前施行MH-30葉而撒佈對抑制發芽稍有效果。在相對濕度80%以上之冷藏庫內雖不易萎縮,但發徵較快,容易引起腐爛。故薑以相對濕度65-75%與溫度15℃度左右之貯藏條件為最適。
The purposes of this study were to ascertain the factors affecting the yield and quality of ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe.). The experimental results were summarized as follows: 1. Based on the results of 25g, 30g and 75g need ginger rhizomes, the larger sized rhizomes we used, the higher yield we got. 2. The base and middle section of ginger rhizomes had the characterous of early sprouting and rooting, whereas top section had the characters of late sprouting. 3. The closer spacing within row we used, tile higher yield we got, and the yield of 20 cm-spacing was 30% higher than that of 30 cm-spacing. 4. The results of 5 and 10 cm depth of covering after ginger rhizomes were planted indicated 5 cm depth had fewer sprouts, long stems, more tillerings and vigorous root development. 5. The range of pH 65-7.0 seemed to be advantageous for sprouting and early growth of ginger rhizomes, however, pH bellow 5 had disadvantages for the growth and development of gingers. 6. Among the effects of N P K elements on the yield of ginger rhizomes, the response of yield to nitrogen was relatively great, the potassium was the next, and the phosphorus was relatively small. The rate of 100-120 legs N. 150-200 legs P2O5, and 200 legs kgs K3O Per hectare will be recommended to be applied on the soil with medium fertility. 7. Using 10-20 tons compost per hectare seemed to be recommended. 8. Shading showed to have a very pronounced influence on the growth and yield of ginger rhizomes. 9. The results of numerous forcing-sprouting experiments such as 0.8% Ammonium thiocyanate, 1. PPH Gibberellin and 2-week of 5℃ cold storage, respectively, showed to have very pronounced effects of forcing-sproutings. However, 6-week of 5 ℃ treatment was not practical due to high percentage of decay caused by physiological breakdown after planting. 10. The sprouting in ginger rhizomes harvested from the soil with higher moisture content were earlier, but the foliar spraying of MH-30 at 4 weeks before harvesting had slight effect of sprout inhibition. The surface shrivelling and weight loss during storage period were also associated with the relatively humidity of storage room. The ginger rhizomes stored in 5℃ with more than 80% relative humidity were easily decayed due to earlier and severe mold growth although the surfaces were not shrivelled. The storage condition of 65-70% relative humidity and 25℃ storage temperature seemd to be recommended for ginger rhizomes.
起訖頁 240-249
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 197109 (17:5期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 利用綠肥及其他有機物質改良洋菇覆土及生產之研究
該期刊-下一篇 洋菇白黴病之研究




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