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Ecological Study of the Cecid Larva, Heteropeza pygmaea Winn. on Cultivated Mushroom
作者 曾壽賢洪錦平
1.白色癭蚋幼蟲之最佳繁殖度為28℃,若培養基之用水量由1,000c.c. ,增為1,151c.c蟲體繁殖最快,高於或低於此溫濕度,繁殖蟲數漸次遞減。2.在最適溫濕度條件下,以24種不同雜菌繁殖白色癭蚋幼蟲之結果,其繁殖率以棉子絲,Aspergillus sp., Rhizoctonia sp., Trichoderma glaucum及Penicillium sp., 等五種雜菌為抵:而其中以前兩種最不利於癭蚋幼蟲之繁殖。3.阻礙洋菇菌絲發育最劇之雜菌為棉子絲,次為Trichoderma glaucum, 再次為Penicillium sp. Rhizoctonia sp.在覆土中能阻礙洋菇菌絲發育,在堆肥中則否。4.Oospora sp.及Aspergillus sp.不論在堆肥或覆土中均無阻礙洋菇菌絲之發育,其中幼蟲繁殖率,以先接洋菇菌絲者為最低,惟Aspergillus sp.在覆土中及Rhizoctonia sp.在堆肥中,以與洋菇菌絲同時接種者為最低。
1. The optimum temperature of the white cecid fly larvae, Hateropeza pygmaea Winn, reared on 1000cc Water-conditions, medium is 28℃. After 21 days a single mature larva cats produce 1872 larval under such condition when water in the medium measured to 1151cc, an average of. 205.86 larvae are yield from a mature larva after 18 days Loss number of larva will be multiplied when the temperature and humidity are not umder the optimum conditions. 2. Twenty four species of wild fungi have been cultivated under optimal conditions to rear the cecid larva. Results indicated that the cotton-threadlike fungus Arpergillus sp., Rhizocionia sp., Trichoderma glaucum and Penicilliun sp. were unfavorable for multiplication of the larva, the lowet member of larvae were yielded from its cotton-thread-like fungus and Aspergillus sp. 3. The cotton thread-like myclium, Trichoderma glaucum and Penicilljum sp. Inhibite the growth of the mushroom mycelium When Rhizoconia sp. appears in casing soil, but not in the compost it inhibites the mushroom mycelium. 4. When compost or casinng soil was inoculated with Oospora sp. or Aspergillus sp. after the inoculation of mushroom mycelium the growth of mushroom mycelium was not inhibited by these wild fungi but produced less larvae. When mushroom mycelium and Aspergillus sp. were inoculated into compost or casing soil at the same trine, the larval reproduction rate was low. The same result was obtained when inoculating compost with mushroom mycelium and Rhizoctomia sp.
起訖頁 142-147
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 197105 (17:3期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 蘿蔔種子春化處理對開花之影響
該期刊-下一篇 鳳梨果實噴施植物荷爾蒙對於貯藏力及品質之影響




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