英文摘要 |
The essential events in the sexual process are described briefly and related to the places where they occur in the life cycle of Basidiomycetes. The early history is presented of studies of life cycles and sexuality in the Basidiomycetes up te through the discovery of the hemi-compatible reactions by Papazian and by Fulton in 1959. This led to the more recent investigations on heterokaryosis, the structure of the mating type loci, nuclear migration, and hyphal fusions. The conflicting conclusions of different investigators concerning a relationship between mating type and frequency of hyphal fusions is discussed, and the evidence that a diffusible substance is responsible for increased frequency of hyphal fusions is presented. The studies dealing with fruiting which involved a genetic approach are emphasized. It is suggested that future developments in the study of fungi involving gentic techniques will be made in both fundamental and applied research. On the basic or fundamental side we can expect an understanding of incompatibility at the molecular level, and more complete knowledge of the developmental processes, including the control of enzyme systems during development and the mode of operation of repression-depression mechanisms from spore to hypha to the complex organization of a fruiting body. The study of fine structure will lead eventually to knowledge of the roles of various organelles. In applied research we can expect genetic techniques to be used increasingly for the imprpvement of strains used in fermentation processes for the improvement of strains used for production of mushrooms on a commercial scale. These techniques will also be important in making possible the commercial cultivation of species of economic potential which have not been so cultivated as yet. In both the basic and applied areas, research of the higher fungi, and especially the Basidiomycetes, has a bright future and the exchange of ideas between researchers in both these areas should hasten the achievement of the goals sought. |