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作者 高琦瑛
l.Comparison of twelve cabbage varictie,with the objective of selecting a variety of good growth, higher yield, smaller plant, and moro compact head. This experiment was conducted in the vcgetable garden of the Depfortment of Horticulutre, Taiwan Provincial Chung Hsing University. 2.Adopting the random block arrangement design, this experiment consisted of 12 varieties, 3 blocks, 36 plots, each 6 m X lm with 20 cabbage seedlings. The cabbage seeds were sowed in the seedbed on Oct. 25, 1960, transplanted on Nov. 30 and harvested between Feb. 20 and March 5,1961. 3.The result indicated that the 11Yu-Chih cross medium maturing is a promising variety. The average head weight of 'Yu-Chih cross medium maturing' was 879g., the percentage of heading was 92.5% the percentage of head weight of the entire p1antnd wae 65.11% the size of whole plant was smaller than the others. 4.The average head weight of the other eleven varieties was larger and around l-1.5 kg. But the head was very loose. So the 'Yu-Chin cross medium maturing' is the variety of good growth, small plant with compact head. If we planted this variety close, we could obtain higher yield.
起訖頁 28-43
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 196303 (9:1期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 罐頭番茄汁之稠度




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