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Morphological and Cytological Observations of Vitis lanata of Taiwan
作者 康有德鄭正勇
1.褐毛葡萄(Vitis lanata Rokb)是臺灣16種野生葡萄之一。這種葡萄野生於本省北部海拔50-600公尺的丘陵地。生長旺盛,樹勢強健;果小而味酸,不能供為食用。惟其扦插繁殖容易,根群生長旺盛,根與莖的角度較為開張,似可供為土層較淺的地區的砧木用。在與臺灣常用的砧木種類,如Riparia×Rupestris No. 3390來比較時V. lanata的地上部與地下部的生長勢力則較差。2.在形態學上,褐毛野葡萄的主要顯著特徵是:葉片較小,殆全緣;葉柄缺刻較廣,葉表黑綠色,葉裡被棕褐色絨毛;花絲(Filaments)較大蕊為短,開花後向外彎曲;新梢、葉柄、果柄(Peduncle)、穗軸(Rachis)及小果梗(Pedicels)均被褐色毛絨。3.褐毛野葡萄的落葉時期較之一般栽培品種為遲,而萌芽期卻較一般者為早,休眠期(Rest period)僅有60天,是臺灣所有葡萄品種中休眠期最短者。4.在葡萄屬(Vitis)植物中,其染色體數目,已知除Vitis rotundifolia為n=20外,其餘均為n=19。褐毛野葡萄的染色體數,經觀察知道亦為n=19。
1). Vitis lanata Roxb. is one of 16 native grapevines of Taiwan wildly distributing throughout the northern part at the elevations of 50 to nearly 600 meters above sea level of this island, The vines are very vigorous and moderately productive. It bears seedy, small, sour and worthless fruits Althrough cuttings from this Vine are easy to propagate, the root systems are vigorous with wide angled, so the immediate vstl60 of this vine seems to be as rootstock for cultivars in shallow sandyloam Soils. 2). Comparison with other wild grapevines, the morphological differences of the V. lanata, Roab. are: a). Leaves are of small size, almost entire, glabrous, dark green, leathery, with the petiolar sinus very wide, and heavily brownish hairs on the lower surface; b). Stamens are well developed, but shorter than the pistil which soon band downward and curved under it; and c). Peduncles, rachis and pedicels are covered with brownish pubescence. 3). The buds burst in Mid-Febuary and the foliage falls late and hangs to the vine until Mid-December, So the rest period of this species is very short. 4). Chromosome counts were obtained from the pollen mother cells and the root tips. Numerous figures show that the chromosome number of this species is n=19, 2n=88.
起訖頁 101-107
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 196804 (14:1&2期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 柑桔砧穗之親和性與癒合組織形成能力之研究
該期刊-下一篇 枇杷結果枝葉數與果實重量及品質關係




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