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Studies on the Promotion of Several Chemical Spray Upon the Flower-Buds Formation of Apple Trees
作者 朱長志
NAA GA及TIBA對蘋果品種黃元帥、紅玉、旭、國光、東北三號及伏蘋果花芽之形成,均有極顯著之效果,僅NAA對紅玉及GA對國光之效果稍差•MH除對國光之花芽形成為極顯著外,其他各品種均為不顯著,且有相反之作用。2.各種藥劑施用濃度對促進花芽之效果則以NAA 5ppm,GA 50ppm TIBA 50ppm及MH 250ppm為最佳。至於各藥劑混合施用之效果,除GA+MH對國光有極顯著之效果外,其他各種混合處理者雖亦有極顯著者,但均不如各藥品單獨施用效果之高。3.各種藥品噴射之時期與效果頗有關係,就品種言,凡早熟種其噴射時期宜早,晚熟種噴射宜遲些,就藥品言,MH施用宜早,GA施用宜遲些,而NAA與TIBA施用時期與效果關係較小,即無論早熟種與晚熟種,同時施用均獲得較佳之效果。
This experiment was carried out in the Tree Fruit Fxperiment Station from 1965 to 1966. The station is located at the high mountain area in Nantou, Taiwan, with an altitude of 2,000 meters, the annual average temperature is 13.72°C, The rainfall is very heavy, usually more than 2,800 mm. per year but most falling in Summer, and the frost comes very often in winter and early spring. However, besause the winter of 1965 was milder than past several years, consequence the apple trees got a slight delayed foliation in the spring of 1966. That may influence the results-a little. In this experiment six varieties of apple were used, they are Golden Delicious, Jonathan, McIntosh, Ralls, Tohhoku No.3, and Early Harvest, four Kinds -of chemicals were used·tor promoting the flower-buds formation and thirteen treatments were designed as follows: (1)Simple chemical: NAA 2.5 ppm, NAA 5 ppm, GA 50 ppm, GA 100 ppm, TIBA 25 ppm, TIBA 50 ppm, MH 250 ppm. (2) Mixed chemical: NAA 5 ppm+GA 50 ppm, NA.A 5 ppm+TIBA 25 ppm, NAA 5 ppm+MH 250 pPm. GA 50 ppm+TIBA 250 ppm, GA.50 ppm+MH 250 ppm, MH 25O ppm+TIBA 25 ppm. Two sprays were applied in this experiment, the first spray was given after the petals falling and the second spray was given three weeks after the first spray. The prilimenary results are summarized as follows: 1.All of the six varieties sprayed with NAA, GA and TIBA for promoting the flower-buds formation have performed a highly significant result, except the NAA for Jonathen and GA for Halls, The MH was net effective to most varieties, but it gave a highiy significant to Ralls. 2.The treatments of NAA 5 ppm, GA 50 ppm, TIBA 50 ppm, and MH 250 ppm were more effective to flower-buds formation than any others. Those mixed sprays were also very effective but not so desirable as the single sprays. 3.The results also showed that the promotion of the flower-buds formation was closely related with the kinds of the chemicals, the varieties characteristies and time of spraying.
起訖頁 24-27
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 196612 (12:3&4期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 溫室糸統香石竹引種試驗
該期刊-下一篇 四季蘿蔔苗體大小與畸形花序出現率關係試驗




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