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Cultural Experiments on Introduced Sim Carnations
作者 杜賡珄
本試驗自民國54年3月開始至55年6月。供試材料為美國溫室系統之切花香石竹14品種,名稱為:Coral、Yellow Sim、K、Show Pink、Pikes Peak Sim、Wagon、Peter-fischer、White Sim、Papermint. Sim、S.Arthur Sim、Dark Red Sim、Ellen Marie Sim、C.C、Pink Sim。栽培於橫貫公路輔導會農墾處勝光農墾實驗。根據一年來之觀察,在高冷地區進一步發展香石竹栽培,可提供不少珍貴線索:1.勝光地區之氣候條件頗適合香石竹之生長,其晝夜溫差9.07°C,為香石竹產業化生產上發出大量側梢之最重要因子。2.54年3月以株行距20X20公分定植於146平方公尺(45坪)面積中,發育良好,自54年10月開始開花一直繼續到55年4月,其間共收穫大花Sim系統切花24,575支,大部份空運至香港,為當地市場所歡迎,小部份運至沖繩、馬尼拉、新嘉坡及關島。其中4小花品種:Coral、K、C.C、Peter-fischer之切花因不合市場要求,中止採收與繁殖。3.大花Sim系統品種之花徑達7-8公分,已符合國際市場之要求。4.由於栽培地區係在荒僻之山區,土壤中有機質供應不足,後期生產之Sim系統品種之花梗細弱而彎曲,減低商品價值,為改正此缺點,今後將進行株行距、分菓數試驗,並就現地材料製造堆肥使土壤中經常存在大量有機質,以期提高產量,改善品質。5.54年12月寒流來襲時,夜溫降至-7°c,山區缺乏電力與煤之供應,無如國外完善的禦寒設施,僅以簡單塑膠布棚覆蓋。冬季山中多風,掀動棚頂,其隙縫下方多發生凍害,又憂產塑膠布在一日中溫差較大之山區,質變脆硬,極易折裂。今後擬建造小型玻璃室及窗框式塑膠布室,求取最低廉而有效的禦寒設施。6.自山區運至平地之切花,於夏季欲保存其品質,應放於0°C冷藏庫中,經9日花色仍能正常。
In order to develop carnation culture for cut flower export to southeastern Asia markets, fourteen varieties of green-house carnation were introduced from Japan to test for its adaptability. Four thousands rooted cuttings of fourteen varieties were planted in Shengkong plantation of Retired Servicemen ;Farm Reclamation Administration VACRS, located eighteen hundred meters above sea level, on the EW cross Island highway Ilan branch between Lishan and llan. From the observation of one growing season (Mar. 1965-May, 1966), many points were clear regarding the future development of carnation culture in upland region. 1.The upland climate in Shengkong is considered very favorable for carnation production. The difference between day and night temperature amounted to 9.07°C was very favorable for the production shoots which is considered to be an important factor for successful commercial carnation production, 2.The plants were planted on March 20-23 1965, they were spaced in rows 20 cm apart and 20 cm between plants in the rows. The plants made very good growth and they flowered in October, 1965, the blooming season lasted six months until April, 1966. During the blooming season 24,575 cut flower were harvested from the large flowered Sim varieties, and most of them were exported to Hongkong by air transport, it was acepted favourably on the market, a minor part of the flower was send to Okinawa, Manila, Singapore and Guam for a trail the flower of four small flowered varieties did not meet the need of the market and they were discontinued in propagation. 3.The flower diameter of the large flowered Sim varieties attaind 7-8cm, which has met the foreign market standard. But due to the lack organic matter in the soil, the flower stem tend to sleeping in the later part of blooming season and the market value was reduced. ln order to improve the thickness of the flower stem, experiment on planting distance, thinning of side shoots will be conducted. Material locally available will be used for making farm compost to increase, the organic matter content of the soil. 4.Freezing temperature of-7° C was experienced in December of 1965. This shows the necessity the installation of protective measures to avoid cold damage in the carnation field. Electricity and coal are unavailable in Shengkong area. Taiwan made plastic sheet was used as a temporary cover for the carnation field. Under the extreme low temperature in winter the plastic sheets become brittle and it was easily broken by wind, consequently cold damage resulted in those exposed plants. Semi-permenent glass house or plastic house should be used in upland region to avoid injury. 5.During the summer season cut flowers stored in 0°C cold storage maintained in good condition within riine days.
起訖頁 15-23
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 196612 (12:3&4期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 荔枝樹新梢之生長及其與抽穗之關係
該期刊-下一篇 幾種化學藥品對促進蘋果花芽形成之研究




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