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Effect of lnterstock and Scion Varieties on the Rate of Crowth and Dormancy Reaction in Double-Worked Deciduous Fruit Trees
作者 康有德
本試驗自1962年11月開始,到1965年5月結束。所用的砧木樹種是鳥梨及20世紀梨的實生苗,接穗是分別採自鳥梨與20世紀梨同一株同一生長季上的枝條,以及生長條件的一致。試驗用的砧木是在1962年11月播種,1963年2月進行第1次嫁接,嫁接後的第1年的生長反應已有報告發表。1964年2月進行第2次嫁接,即二重接(double working),其目的在求知,在不同嫁接組合中,中間砧的特性,對於新梢生長、生長週期、落葉及休眠反應的影響。試驗結果中第1年的觀察摘要報告如下:1.在嫁接後的第1年中,中間砧的特性對於新捎生長勢力與生長次數,有若干程度的影響;但砧木(understock)的影響力似較中間砧(interstock)的影響力為大。2.不同的中間砧對於秋季開始落葉的時期的遲早無影響。對於春季的萌芽開始時期的差異也不顯著。亦即中間砧的利用對於接穗部分的枝梢的休眠期一自落葉到萌芽一的長短,無顯著的影響。3.本試驗仍在繼續觀察中。
This experiment was conducted from Noverber 1962 through Mey 1965 in the Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, China. Potted one-year-old seedlings of Pyrus lindleyi Rehd. (Bird pear) and Pyrus serotina Rehd. (20 Century pear) were used as rootstock throughout this study. They were grafted on to each other in the Spring of 1963 and double-worke_d in the Spring of 1964 in order to determi11e the effects of interstock and scion variety on the rate of shoot growth and dormancy reaction. The following combinations of understock, interstock and scion varieties were used in these investigations. 1)Pytrs lindleyi scions on P. lindleyi interstock grafted to P. lindleyi understock. 2)Pyrus serotina scions on P. lindleyi interstock grafted to P. lindleyi understock. 3)Pyrus lindleyi scions on P. serotina in terstock grafted to. P. lmdleyt understock. 4)Pyrus serotina scions on P. serotina interstock grafted to P serotina understock, 5)Pyrus lindleyi scions on P. serotina in terstock grafted to P. serotina understock. 6)Pyrus serotina .scions on P. lindleyi interstock grafted to P. serotina understock. Results obtained from this investigation are summarized as follows: The dormancy reaction of the scion varieties grafted on to different interstock showed no practically difference among the said grafting combinations. The shoot growth measured for one year was found that the selfinterstock trees grafted to selfunderstock grew more rapidly than those of the different interstock trees. The presence of different kind of inters tock tended to enhar;ce the understock effect for total shoot growth in the first year after they were grafted, but the interstock effect was smaller than that of the understock. No statistical significance was found in the date of bud-burst during spring occurred in trees of using different interstocks.
起訖頁 24-30
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 196606 (12:1&2期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 鳳梨花芽分化前後之灌水與施肥效果
該期刊-下一篇 石刁柏文獻專輯




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