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Effects of Cultivar, Temperature, Storage and Days after Harvest on Germination of Strawberry Seeds
作者 李窓明洪立
為探討草莓栽培品種、溫度、貯藏與果實採收後天數對種子發芽率之影響,本試驗在人工氣候室及蔬菜實驗室內進行,各種處理在種子播種後均不行覆蓋,令其在光下發芽,其結果如下:1.不同栽培品種間之自然授粉種子發芽有極大之差異,播種42天後,其發芽率在24~91%之間。2.草莓最適宜的發芽溫度25°/20°C日/夜溫。3.就春香與Aliso兩品種而言,在低溫下(4°C)貯藏,可提高種子發芽率,Aliso 品種在室溫下乾燥貯藏有降低發芽率之虞,而春香品種則在室溫或低溫貯藏,發芽率均無影響。4.草莓果實採收後,後熟期間容易發霉腐爛,導致種子發芽率嚴重降低。
The experiments were conducted in phytotron and vegetable crops laboratory, National Taiwan University during April to December in 1981, to study different cultivars, temperatures, storage condition, and days after harvesting on germination of strawberry seeds. All treatments were carried out under natural light condition. The results were as follows: 1. There were significant difference in percentage of seed germination among 12 strawberry cultivars and the percentage of seed germination was 24~91% 42 days after seeding. 2. The optimum temperature for strawberry seeds germination was 25° day/20°C night. 3. The percentage of seed germination was promoted when seeds stored in 4°C for both cvs, Harunoka and Aliso. The percentage of germination was decreased when the seeds of cv. Aliso stored. in room temperature. But the percentage of seed germination was not affected on both storage conditions within 6 months of cv, Harunoka. 4. Owing to the berry decayed easily, the percentage of seed germination was decreasing with days after harvesting. Improving procedure of germination of strawberry seeds was also suggested.
起訖頁 36-44
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 198203 (28:1期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
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