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Effect of Temperature and GA₃ on Flowering of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat
作者 李哖施昭彰陳中和
菊花「冬王」品種於不同季節及人工氣候室13~30°C生長,在臺灣自然日長於13~20°C週年均能開花,日/夜溫20/15°C花朵分化發育最快品質最好,低溫(l5/13°C)延遲花芽分化與發育。夏秋之自然日長,生長於日/夜溫25/20°C及30/25°C者均不會發生花芽。秋冬春之日長,生長於25/20°C者花芽分化快,但花蕾發育延遲品質不佳; 日/夜溫30/25°C生長者,均不會開花祇少數植株形成柳芽。在13~25°C生長之「冬王」於花蕾可見噴施20ppm GA₃能促進莖之伸長,增加花朵鮮重,提早開花及增進品質。高溫(30/25°C)施GA₃無效。對「新種黃」品種,施GA₃ 10或20 ppm,不但促進莖之伸長,並提高開花率及提早開花。以長日至盛花每週噴施GA₃一次放果最好。
The experiment was undertaken to investigate the effect of various season, day/night temperature, and GA₃ application on the flowering time and quality of chrysanthemums. The winter flowering cv. Tung-Wang, which belongs to the thermonegative group, initiated and developed flower buds to anthesis at day/night temperature of 15/13°C and 20/15°C under year-round. natural daylength in Taiwan. Visible buds formed at temperature from 13 to 30℃ under natural daylength during autumn, winter and spring seasons. However, its growth and flowering were inhibited by high temperature (30/25°C). The flower buds initiation and development were delayed by low temperature (15/13°C). Visible buds appeared rapidly at temperature of 20/15°C and 25/20°C, but development delayed at 25/20°C. The minimum flowering time and best quality was produced by the temperature of 20/15°C. GA₃ applied to chrysanthemum cv. Hsin-Chung-Huang once per week from planting to full bloom increased stem elongation and induced flowering. GA₃ applied to cv. Tang-Wong after bud visible increased stem elongation and fresh weight and hastened flowering time in the temperature range from 13 to 25°C. However, there was no response to GA₃ at temperature of 30/25°C.
起訖頁 117-126
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 198107 (27:4期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 微波烤箱對生物試料之乾燥及濕灰化之實際運用
該期刊-下一篇 柑橘榨汁機械之引進與改良




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