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Effect of Storage Temperature on the Color and Quality of Litchi Fruit
作者 黃肇家王怡玎潘靜慧
本研究皆在瞭解本省黑葉荔枝在低溫長期貯藏下品質之變化,以確定最適合之貯藏低溫以及評估可能之最長貯藏壽命。試驗於1989、1990、1991年進行3次,以9分熟的荔枝果實經0.01mm厚之保鮮膜包裝後,置於0~10°C不同溫度,定期測定品質之變化。三年的結果均顯示,4°C或5°C 貯藏果皮褐化,果實腐爛以及果實風味劣化之速率最緩慢,於貯藏30~40日後才開始明顯的增加。2°C貯藏會加速果皮褐化,對果實腐爛與風味劣化之影響和4°C相似。而1°C或0°C貯藏則會更加速果皮褐化與果實腐爛。在7°C與10°C中,果實劣化較1°C或0°C更為迅速,貯藏壽命只有4°C之一半左右。這些數據顯示,本省黑葉荔枝對貯藏溫度非常敏感,最適合之貯藏溫度在4°C左右。以自定的商品可接受品質為標準來評估黑葉荔枝之貯藏壽命,在4°C貯藏下最長的貯藏壽命約為33日,若考慮室溫(25°C)一日櫥架仍具商品價值,則貯藏壽命約為23日。櫥架1日時果實在保鮮膜包裝下果皮褐化較緩,果實腐爛率與風味劣化之變化極為快速,由此,果實腐爛與風味劣化是貯藏壽命重要的限制因子。
Changes in pericarp browning, percentage of decay fruit and fruit flavour of 'Hei Ye' litchi fruits wrapped with plastic film (0.01mm) stored at different temperature(0°C ~ 10°C) were investigated for 3 years. All the results indicated that 4°C or 5°C was the most suitable temperature for maintaining litchi fruit qualities. The pericarp browning, fruit decay and the occurance of off-flavour could be delayed at 4°C for 30 ~ 40 days. Fruits stored at 2°C had higher browning score than those stored at 4°C, At 1°C or 0°C fruit turned brown earlier and decayed more than fruit stored at 2°C. Fruit stored at 7°C or 10°C deteriorated much faster than those stored at 1°C or 0°C .These data indicated that litchi fruit was very sensitive to storage temperature, and temperature lower than 4°C was harmful to fruit quality. The maximum storage life of 'Hei Ye' litchi fruit stored at 4°C was estimated as 33 days, It was estimated as 23 days for fruit with one day shelf life after storage. In addition to pericarp browning, fruit decay and occurance of off-flavour were important limmiting factors.
起訖頁 141-152
關鍵詞 茄枝貯藏溫度果實品質litchistoragetemperaturefruit quality
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 199109 (37:3期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 香蕉品種改良的新途徑
該期刊-下一篇 金針菇堆肥之物理與化學性分析




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