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Quarantine Treatment and Mass Production of Imported Potato Seed Tuber
作者 周廷光周金原廖慶源
除了學術試驗研究為目的外,凡自馬鈴薯癌腫病、黃金線蟲及菸草露菌病發生之國家或地區進口馬鈴薯概屬禁止輸入範圍。少量學術用進口之馬鈴薯種球進口時,先以殺菌劑及殺線蟲劑實施表面消毒,再切成適當大小之薯塊,經癒傷後,播種於含滅菌土之缽中,放置於溫室中已覆蓋有塑膠布之水泥台上。經長出葉子後,摘取葉片以機械磨擦接種法接種於數種病毒檢定植物葉上,經一段時間,依病徵出現之有無拔除罹病植株。當健植株達25~40cm高時,切取約5cm長之切枝,每枝含一節,浸漬於根生長素(Rootone)500ppm(2,000倍)或NAA 50ppm(20,000倍)之稀釋液10分鐘後,扦插於含有蛭石之Jiffy花缽,置於溫、光控制之室中。切技經扦插約21個月後達10~15cm高時,先經一星期之溫室強化處理後再移植網室中,通常一薯球可獲得64~200植株。當植株移植完後,溫室中之原薯球、殘株及泥土經滅菌處理後銷燬。切穗帶有頂芽者,薯球之產量較之不帶頂芽者高出約三分之一。溫室強化處理後可增加移植之成活率,切枝扦插法除了可防止線蟲病害之傳播外,對薯球之生產不但比種薯直接播種時間縮短,而其方法簡便迅速,並可生產多量之薯球。
Except for the purpose of scientific research, importation of potato was prohibited from the countries or districts where potato wart, golden nematode and tobacco blue mold were known to occur. Imported potato tubers were surface disinfected with fungicide and nematicide and cut into proper pieces. After curing, they were planted in pots with sterilized soil and placed in the greenhouse bench which was covered with plastic sheet. The infected plants were removed based on the symptom appearance on the indicator plants after mechanical inoculation test for several virus diseases. When the plants were 25-40 cm in height, stems were cut into ca. 5 cm long sections, each with a single node. The cut stems were treated with Rootone at 500 ppm or NAA at 50 ppm solution for 10 minutes. They were then inserted in Jiffy pots which were filled with moist vermiculite in the controlled room. The cutting plants reached 10-15 cm high at about two months after cutting. The plants were hardening in greenhouse for a week prior to transplanting in the field. Generally, 64 to 200 cutting plants could be obtained from one seed tuber, All the seed tubers and ratoons in the pots with soil were sterilized after the cutting plants were transplanted. Top shoot cutting resulted in 1/3 higher yield than that of cutting with single node. Hardening was significantly related to the survival rate of plantlets after transplanting. The application of stem cutting seemed to result in more rapid and sufficient seed production during the short period than the tuber seed did.
起訖頁 55-67
關鍵詞 檢疫處理植物檢疫證明書檢定植物馬鈴薯種薯線蟲扦插繁殖薯球生產quarantine treatmentphytosanitary certificateindicator plantpotato seed tubernematodecutting multiplicationtuber production
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 198903 (35:1期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 金針菜之組織培養繁殖




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