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Effects of Chemicals on the Chilling Injury of Detached Fruits (Ⅱ) Chemical Control on the Chilling Injury of Detached Cucumbers
作者 黃麗霞
嘉南新三號小胡瓜採收後,以完全浸濕有SADH溶液之棉團緊紮果柄切口上,能顯著地防止胡瓜在5℃貯藏中受寒害。SADH可抑制還原型維他命C及總滴定酸度降低,防止胡瓜組織電解質滲漏率增加及避免不正常呼吸率上升等。但DMSO, ABA, 2-ME及CaSO4等處理效果不顯著。可大小兼收之臺中目瓜種胡瓜於採前一週,以SADH液噴施瓜面及附近枝葉,能顯著地促進採後胡瓜貯藏時之抗寒性。SADH不會抑制胡瓜在株上的生長。臺中目瓜種胡瓜之小果較大果不耐低溫貯藏。
The postharvest application of SADH (succinic acid -2,2-dimethyl-hydrazine) to the pickling cucumbers at 5℃ could significantly ameliorate chilling injury. But injury amelioration effects of ABA (abscisic acid), DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide), CaSO4 (calcium sulfate) and 2-ME (2-mercaptoethanol) were not significant. When chilled cucumbers transfered to 20℃, the treatment of SADH showed the effects of restraining deterioration, loss of reduced ascorbic acid and loss of total titratable acidity. Moreover, increasing of electrolyte leakage and abnormal respiration rate were disappeared under the came treatment. The preharvest application of SADH on slicing cucumbers one week prior to picking also showed enhancing its tolerance to cold storage significantly. The growth of cucumber on plant was not inhibited by SADH. While on the other hand the small slicing cucumbers were more sensitive to 5℃ than those of larger ones.
起訖頁 255-264
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 197709 (23:5期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 香蕉細胞學上之研究(一)染色體數之觀察
該期刊-下一篇 香蕉施肥與葉片營養診斷研究(一)不同品種、葉片內不同部位及不同生長期對葉片無機營養影響之研究




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