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A Study on the Determining of Canned Asparagus Juice during Storage
作者 朱欽寗
為瞭解本省罐裝果汁貯藏時期長短與其品質之關係,對廠家與消費者提供一較為可靠之參考資料,因而設計本實驗之初步研究。以隨機取樣方式(Random sample)蒐集冠軍、味王、合作、津津、味全等五家廠家罐裝之蘆筍汁。其貯藏期間分別由1個月至30個月不等,分全塗漆與無塗漆兩類。利用原子吸光度計(Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, VARIAN MODEL AA-5)測定罐裝蘆筍汁在貯藏期間脫錫量。冠軍、味王、合作等三家所得之分析結果,顯示出全塗漆罐裝蘆筍汁含錫量較無塗漆罐裝蘆筍汁者為少。同年份(民國64年)產品冠軍、味王、合作由於其溶鐵量(Iron pick-up)彼此相差十倍多(122.4ppm. 12.2ppm, 10.5ppm),顯示鐵皮無塗漆或經過塗漆後,可能在製造空罐時受嚴重的機械擦傷所影響(mechanical damage),因而損及錫膜,使得溶鐵量劇烈增加。如塗漆料選擇適當及塗漆後製成空罐時,機械擦傷減少至最低程度,則貯存兩年後,其脫錫量仍然低於100ppm,溶鐵量亦不致有劇烈之增加。臺灣因氣候適宜,盛產各種水果,由本實驗得到利用全塗漆罐裝果濃汁(nectar)、果汁大量外銷或行性甚高。
Canned asparagus juice has become a popular beverage during the past few years in Taiwan. An experiment was conducted to determine what lacquering effect on reducing the amount of detinning in canned asparagus juice Samples were chosen from Way Wang, Champion and Co-fruit. Wey Wany and Champion used lacquered cans and Co-fruit used non-lacquered Cans. Tests at the different storage time were made at the end of one month, twelve or thirteen months and twenty on or twenty five months. The amount of detinning of canned asparagus juice was detected by atomic absorption spectrophotometer, Varian Model AA-5 The results of the experiment are summarized as follows: 1. The amount of detinning of canned asparagus juice with all-lacquered cans was still below 100ppm after two years' storage. But that in non-lacquered cans was over 100ppm even after 12 months' storage. The experiment seems to prove that the use of lacquered cans reduces the amount of detinning. 2. Although the cans were under inadequate lacquer process or mechanical damage, the amount of detinning was still below 100ppm. 3. The fact that cans were lacquered or nonlacquered seemed to have no effect on the pH value. 4. The ”Champion” asparagus juice had a large amount of iron pick-up during storage time. Iron pick-up of 19.2 ppm, 122.4ppm and 137.5ppm after one month, 13 months and 21 months respectively. Compared with iron pick-up 13 months and 21 months respectively. Compared with iron pick-up of ” Wey Wang” and ”Co-fruit” asparagus juice, ”Champion” had ten-fold quantities during the same storage time (i. e. 1975~1976) The reason why it had large amount of iron pick-up may be explained by mechanical damage or inadequate lacquer process.
起訖頁 45-50
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 197701 (23:1期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 胺化穀殼(穀肥)處理對清潔蔬菜生產效果之研究




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