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Some Factors Affecting Mycelial Growth and Fruiting Body Formation of Auricularia polytricha (Mont.) Sacc. On Sawdust Medium
作者 吳慶煌
木耳(Auricularia polytricha(Mont.) Sacc.)菌絲生長之最適條件為28℃溫度,70%含水量、6%米糠,0.4%碳酸鈣。適當的醣類、含氮化合物及有機酸等的培養基。形成子實體之最適條件為25℃溫度,含水量75%的培養基。其他如照光期及光質對菌絲生長及子實體形成亦頗有影響。
By using sawdust culture method, the effects of temperature, light, air, and the composition of the medium on mycelial growth and pinhead formation were studied. The culture, Auricularia polytricha (Mont.) Sacc. from which the spawn prepared was obtained from a decaying wood from the campus of National Taiwan Normal University. The results revealed that the optimum temperature for the growth of mycelium was 28℃. The sawdust medium effective for the mycelial growth consisted of water 70%, rice bran 6%, CaCO3 0.4%, The effects of other components of the medium such as carbohydrates, nitrogen compounds, organic acids, etc. were also investisgated. The optimum temperature and water content in sawdust medium for the pinhead formation were at 25℃ in consisting of 75% of water. The effects of photoperiod and light quality on mycelial growth and pinhead formation were discussed in detail.
起訖頁 169-180
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 197607 (22:4期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 百合之組織培養(二)培養基成分、光週期及pH值對百合癒合組織生長、分化及葉綠素生成之影響




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