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木瓜(Carica papaya L. cv Tainon Hybrid No. 3)果腔內氣體組成對後熟作用之影響
The Effect of the Atmospheric Composition of Fruit Cavity on the Ripening of Detached Papaya (Carica papaya L. cv Tainon Hybrid No. 3)
作者 陳忠男
以敏感度極高的氣體色層分析法與比色法分別測定採收後台農雜交3號品種木瓜乙烯釋放量、果腔中乙烯含量及果實呼吸率得知:木瓜在採收生更年期前時,果腔內乙烯含量低於0.01ppm,當更年期上升開始時,腔內乙烯濃度為0.02ppm,表示引發木瓜後熟所需乙烯之最低濃度很低,可知木瓜對乙烯之敏感性很高。更年期前的木瓜果實,減少果腔內O2,或增加其CO2濃度,或行低溫處理,似可提高激發果實後熟所需乙烯的最低濃度。果腔所含CO2,乙烯之最高值,果實進入更年期高峰時之CO3生產量及乙烯之最高生產量等與果皮轉色在果色指標數為3,時間上是一致的,故知木瓜更年期前果腔內氣體成份(O2, CO2, C2H4)可影響果實後熟作用。
The composition (O2, CO2, C2H4) of the fruit cavity and CO2, ethylene production of the detached papaya fruits after treatments were measured with gas chromatography and colorimetric method at mature-green stage. Measurements were also taken from the fruit stored at 20℃ with and without hypobaric and chilling treatments. A concentration of 0.01ppm ethylene was found in the cavity of preclimacteric fruits, and 0.02ppm at the onset of climacteric rise. Papaya, thus, seems to be very sensitive to ethytene treatment as compared with some other climacteric fruits. The threshold value for ethylene action could be raised following an increase in CO2 or a decrease in O2 concentration at the preclimacteric stage. The peak of respiratory climacteric and of ethylene production in the ripening fruit occurred at the stage when color index 3 was reached.
起訖頁 129-137
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 197605 (22:3期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 溫度對洋蔥結實之影響




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