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Effect of IBA on the Development of Cuttings form Different Node Position of Miniature Roses in Different Seasons
作者 陳昌岑朱建鏞
本研究以迷你玫瑰'Green Ice'、'Lavender Jewel'以及'Orange Sunblaze'為材料,探討在不同季節中IBA(indole butyric acid)對各品種之不同節位插穗發育的影響。IBA可以促進插穗發根,但濃度較高時,會抑制插穗腋芽的萌發,尤其在夏、秋二季扦插時更為時顯,扦插時用IBA 1000~2000ppm處理插穗,可兼顧插穗地上部與地下部的生長。節位對'Lavender Jewel'插穗的發育沒有影響。在夏天'Orange Sunblaze'以取上或中間部位的插穗發育較佳,其他三個季切的插穗則以取自較低節位的插穗發育較好。'Green Ice'以鱗片節位的插穗發育最差。迷你玫瑰單節插穗發根需要時2~3週,但扦插時若遇低溫,則需3~4週才會發根。
Factors on the development of single-node cuttings of Rosa chinensis Jacq. 'Minima'; cvs. 'Green Ice', 'Lavender Jewel' and 'Orange Sunbiaze' under mist were studied. The rooting of cuttings was improved by IBA. However, when cuttings were treated with higher concentation of IBA, the axillary bud sprouting was delayed, especially in the summer and fall. To consider the growth balance between shoot and root, IBA 1000~2000ppm was recommended for propagation. Node position had no effect on the rooting of 'Lavender Jewel', Cuttings of 'Orange Sunblaze' from upper and middle positions rooted well in summer, but cuttings taken in other seasons form basal positions rooted well. The cuttings with scale leaf of 'Green Ice' developed worst. In general, cuttings rooted in 2~3 weeks, however, cutting rooted in three to four weeks when temperature was lower.
起訖頁 204-216
關鍵詞 迷你玫瑰繁殖miniature rosepropagation
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 199609 (42:3期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 砧木種類對玫瑰花切花產量與品質的影響
該期刊-下一篇 小葉南洋杉群植數量之偏好研究




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