中文摘要 |
本試驗是以觀察三種葡萄砧木1202 (Mourvédre×Rupestris) Harmony ((Solonis×Othello)×Dogridge)與1616 (Solonis×Riparia)的地上部營養生長的差異,並藉分析其早春溢流液中內生生長素之質與量,探討地上部營養生長與根部內生生長素之關係。結果於早春修剪後,1202與1616萌芽率迅速提高而Harmony萌芽較晚,比較共溢流液中cytokinins與ABA含量之比值,1202與1616相近而Harmony最低。溢流液中ABA之含量則與砧木冬季落葉之早晚有關。生長勢依強弱順序為1202, Harmony, 1616,而溢流液中之cytokinins,依含量多寡,在三種砧木中亦呈此一次序。1202具最大之地上部/地下部比值,側枝發生也最多,而此二性狀在1616與Harmony則近似。三種砧木以Harmony具最短之節間而其溢流液中GA3含量也最少。由以上之結果顯示不同葡萄砧木根部產生的cytokinins與GA3對調節地上部之營養生長扮演著重要的角色。 |
英文摘要 |
Young dormant rootstocks of 1616 (Solonis×Riparia), 1202 (Mourvédre×Rupestris) and Harmony ((Solonis×Othello) ×Dogridge) grown in the field of Taipei were pruned at the beginning of March, 1982. The bleeding saps were collected for hormonal analysis. The correlations between the vegetative growth habits and the hormone contents were studied. The cytokinins/ABA ratios in 1202 and 1616 are higher than that in Harmony, that corresponds to the more rapid bud burst in 1202 and 1616 than in Harmony. Harmony contains the most ABA, that is believed to be correlated with the hesitated leaffall in early winter. 1202 possesses the most growth vigor, Harmony the medium and 1616 the least. The cytokinins in these rootstocks show the same order. 1202 has the higher shoot root ratio and more lateral shoots, while 1616 and Harmony have a moderate growth with less lateral shoots, The low content of GA in Harmony might be of meaning to its short internodes. |