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Study on the Plant's Image between Difference Training Background of University Students
作者 侯錦雄 (Jing-Shoung Hou)王秀如
「植栽」是景觀設計中之重要元素,且是最具「自然」感覺的元素, 更是景觀設計上不可或缺的軟性要素。「意象」係指記憶中以往感覺經驗的重現,意象的感受相當主觀。在整體景觀設計中。民眾對「植栽」這元素之意象到底如何呢?本研究選取台北市常見之二十種植物(其中包括九種喬木、七種灌木、四種草花)以語義調查法進行研究。研究結果發現:具有景觀訓練背景之學生與非景觀背景者對植物之意象有所差異,影響植栽的認識意象經因素分析得到情感、空間二因素;植物依各因素之相似性可分為情感及空間相似之二群落,因此二群落具有相互輔成之特性,故可作為環境設計時選擇植栽來表達相同情感之參考。
Plants are an important element in landscape designing, which provide the feeling of 'nature' in the landscape image. Visual quality-is the most important factor In the assessment of designing and it is also very subjective. In order to understand what people think about the visual quality of the element plant, this study chooses 20 kinds of common plants seen in Taipei (including nine kind of trees, seven kind of shrubs and four kind of flowers) and uses semantic analysis to survey. The result of this study reveals that there is a the difference in the plant image provided the difference in the background of students. There are two factors that influence the plant image-feeling and space. Based on these two factor concepts, these 20 kinds plants are divided into two clusters to analize. The result will provide the designer some information in selecting what kinds of plants to use in landscape design.
起訖頁 30-40
關鍵詞 植栽意象植栽設計語義分析plant imageplanting designsemantic differential
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 199503 (41:1期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 果樹各性狀間的相關性研究
該期刊-下一篇 數種高經濟花卉作物肥料之開發應用研究(二)--即溶花卉肥料




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