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Changes of Polyphenol Oxidase Activity, Ethylene and Carbon Dioxide Production in Flush during Withering and Shaking Process of Paochung Tea
作者 蔡志賢王自存張唯勤
茶樹品種青心烏龍茶菁經日光萎凋後,二氧化碳生成量為1,400-1,700mg/kg/hr,乙烯生成量為24μl/kg/hr,正常萎凋攪拌處理的茶菁,其二氧化碳與乙烯生成量皆顯著高於未日光萎凋與攪拌組。攪拌動作提高茶菁二氧化碳與乙烯生成量;茶菁在25他室溫萎凋者,其二氧化碳與乙烯生成量高於在20℃室溫下萎凋者。日光萎凋後茶菁失去約10-12%鮮重,而室內萎凋期間僅損失鮮重2-3%;靜置未攪拌者,在正常萎凋之全程期間,鮮重僅減少2-3%。日光萎凋與攪拌動作提高茶菁之多酚氧化酶活性。茶菁葉片中的抗壞血酸含量在36-44mg/g間,總葉綠素的含量在1.2.5 mg/g間,正常萎凋處理與靜置對照之差異不顯著。
After solar withering, carbon dioxide (CO2) and ethylene (C2H4) production in tea flush of ”Chin Shin Oolong” were 1,400-1,700 mg/kg/hr and 2.4 μl/kg/hr, respectively. Normal withering treatment showed higher CO2 and ethylene production than that without shaking during withering process. Shaking had the aids of CO2 and ethylene releases of tea flush. Production of CO2 and ethylene in tea flush at 25℃ indoor withering temperature were higher than 20℃ indoor withering temperature. Tea flush lost 10-12% of fresh weight after solar withering, loss 2-3% of fresh weight after indoor withering. Tea flush lost 2-3% of fresh weight in the without solar withering treatment after indoor withering process period. Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity in tea flush increased after solar withering and shaking. The contents of ascorbic acid and total chlorophyll in tea flush were 3.6-4.4 mg/g and 1.2.5 mg/g, respectively, there were no significant different between normal withering and without withering treatment during Paochung tea withering and shaking process.
起訖頁 227-238
關鍵詞 包種茶攪拌萎凋乙烯二氧化碳多酚氧化酶Paochung teashaking processwithering processethylenecarbon dioxidepolyphenol oxidase
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 200209 (48:3期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣李需冷量評估
該期刊-下一篇 利用體胚形成進行薑花之微體繁殖




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