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A Comparative Research on Philosophy and Aesthetics in Chinese and European Traditional Gardens
作者 羅清吉凌德麟
The focus of this study was on a comparison of styles and characteristics such as philosophical thought, aesthetic theories and general culture of the Chinese traditional garden and European garden. The major differences between Chinese and European traditional gardens may be summarized as follows Chinese Traditional Gardens. The man-to-nature relationship in China had based on philosophical and religious backgrounds of Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism, originating in ancient times: These man-to-nature relations are based on a deep admiration of the natural landscapes. The Chinese garden tradition valued for their expression of emotion and feelings of poems and paintings In China, gardens were designed as reflections of grand holy landscape (mountains, hills, rocks and lakes, streams) .It was not a goal to dominate nature, but to integrate gardens and social life within the nature landscape. Trees and other plants were arranged as 'brakers' against the buildings embedded subordinatively into the landscape. The Chinese appreciate plants for their accumulated symbolic and literary associations European traditional gardens E uropean trad1honal gardens In Europe, gardens may be characterized by formal and na,tural styles in this study we use the formal studyes : For ex睏ple,Cohesion of small-scale open space, forming relatively closed compartments, near the house reflecting their building and architectural features including gardens that were divided into room Dominating axial large-scale open spaces forming vista, canals, and stairs in orthogonal systems, star like central coordinate systems, orientated towards centers of political, economical and religious powers.
起訖頁 93-103
關鍵詞 意境詩情畫意山水庭園風格道家思想The expression of emotionThe feelings of poems & paintingsShan-ShuiMountain and stream symbolizing all aspects of natureGarden styleTaoist daoism philosophy
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 200103 (47:1期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 從江南傳統庭園植栽手法探討板橋林園之植栽




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