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Modeling the Responses of Plant Characteristics and Yield to Population Density of Bell Pepper
作者 顏永福黃智賢
本試驗目的在預測彩色甜椒果實品質、產暈及植株性狀對栽培密度的反應,以決定適當的栽培密度。植株密度試驗設計採用systematic design•供試植株種植於同心軸線與圓幅交差點,行距(45cm)x株距(89、77、65、53、41、29、17 cm)•甜椒果實於完全轉色時採收,調查單株產量和果實重嶽、長度、寬度、果皮厚`可溶性固形物及顏色,以及植株節間長度、莖寬及葉面積等植株性狀,結果合格品單株產量及果數與栽培密度關係呈反二次曲線方程式(inverse polynomial equation)反應,其最大預測值分別為725 g及4.2個。果重、寬度、果皮厚、可溶性固形物、莖寬與栽培密度關係呈直線相關,栽培密度為249 plants/ I 00m 2預測各項分別為157g、80.6 mm、5.76 mm , 7.27 %、12.29mm、但隨栽培密度增加而下降。植株節間長度及葉面積與栽培密度關係呈漸進線反應,其最大預測值分別為534 cm 2及9.91 cm•其大小隨栽培密度增加而增加最終呈漸進線最大反應。果長及顏色則不受栽培密度影囓。由本試驗結果推論溫室彩色甜椒栽培密度在400-600 plants/lOOnl時,其合格品產量為196-253 kg/IOOni•果重為148-152 g•果皮可溶性固形物為7.22-7.14%。
The managements of bell pepper in Taiwan still follow sweet pepper now, it should be improved for bell pepper production. The experiment was carried out fi-om July 1999 to April 2000 to predict fruit yields and quality, plant characteristics as the responses to plant population. Field experiments utilizing a systematic design 'where the position of each potted plants of bell pepper (cv. Valencia F 1) were spaced with 45 (row) x 17, 29, 41, 53, 65, 77 and 89 cm (plant) at intersection of radii and arcs of concentric circle. Weights of red mature fruits were taken to determine yield, pericap thickness and Brix, leaf area, intemode length, and stem diameter were measured to determine fruit quality and plant characteristics. These results showed that inverse polynomial regressions were fitted to the data of marketable fruit yield or fruit number per plants across to plant population, predicted maximums of fruit weight and fruit number per plant are 725 g and 4.2 fruits, respectively. Linear regressions were fitted to the data of fruit weight, fruit width, periapt thickness and Brix, and stem diameter across plant population, at 249 plants/100m2 these predicted fruit weight and width, pericarp thickness and Brix, stem diameter are 157g, 80.6mm, 5.76mm, 7.27%, 12.29mm, respectively. The higher the plant population density the less these predicted values of plant characteristics. In contrast, asymptotic regressions of leaf area and intemode length were fitted to plant population, and predicted asymptotic intemode length and leaf area are 543cm2 and 9.91cm, respectively. Moreover, length and color of fruits that were not affected by plant population. At reasonable plant population between 400 and 600 plant/ lOOm2, predicted yield, fruit weight, and pericarp Brix are I 6 l-256kg/甿148-157 g/fruit and 7.25-7.14%, respectively.
起訖頁 31-40
關鍵詞 甜椒栽培密度產量葉面積可溶性固形物漸近線迴歸線性迴歸反二次曲線迴歸Bell pepperPopulation densityFruit yieldLeaf areaBrixAsymptotic regressionLinear regressionInverse polynomial regression
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 200103 (47:1期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 利用蒸發式水牆降溫菇舍於平地高溫期香菇生產
該期刊-下一篇 花粉立即效應對甜柿果實之影響




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