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香蕉(Musa spp, AAA組)園藝性狀改良研究(1)--中矮性抗黃葉病品系的選育與評估
Improvement of the Horticultural Traits of Cavendish Banana 'Musa spp, AAA group' (Ⅰ)--Selection and Evaluation of a Semi-dwarf Clone Resistant to Fusarium Wilt
作者 鄧澄欣劉程江戴奇協邱讚秀黃新川
利用組織培養苗產生的體細胞變異(somaclonal variation)途徑,從高大的耐病品種台蕉一號選獲9個矮性品系。經初步試驗,證明其中TCI-229品系兼具中矮及抗黃葉病特性,遂深入探討其實用價值。評估試驗分初級`高級品系比較試驗及與26位農民合作進行大田試種。調查項目包括生育週期、植株特性、果房性狀及後熟品質。試驗結果顯示TCl-229的平均株高為190-240cm ,比對照'台蕉一號'矮約60-90cm。TCl-229比'台蕉一號有提早抽穗的趨勢,但由種植至採收所需日數則兩者無明顯差別。產量因子方面,TCl-229的果手數比'台蕉一號'有稍多的趨勢,而兩者的果指數沒有明顯差異。TCl-229果穗重差異較大,由17至26kg,比'台蕉一號'輕約l-2kg•尤以四月分的差別較為顯著。比較兩者的每把果重及平均果指重,TCI-229比'台蕉一號'輕,是造成果穗重較輕的主要原因。TCl-229的兩段著色發生率低,果實風味與後熟品質均良好,加上中矮特性,具耐風及省工優點。若y主意栽培管理特點,在台灣南部黃葉病蕉區有推廣應用價值。從TCI-229的選育過程,証明體細胞變異應用在改良香蕉品種的抗病性及園藝性狀上效果良好。
Nine apparently dwarf clones were selected from a tall and resistant cultivar'Tai-Chiao No. I'by clonal selection through somaclonal variation. One of the clone 'TC 1-229' was proven to be semi-dwarf and retained the resistance to Fusarium wilt (race 4). Follow-up experiments, including the preliminary and advanced field trials and 26 on-farm trials, were conducted to evaluate its potential for commercial production. The growing cycle, plant and廿uit characteristics and post-harvest qualities were investigated Results of the experiments showed that the average plant height of TC 1-229 was 190-240 cm which was shorter than its check cultivar'Tai-Chiao No. i'by 60-90 cm. TC 1-229 show a tendency of early shooting but the days-to-harvest was similar to the check. The number of hands was slightly扣gher than that of the check cultivar, but the number of fingers per bunch was similar. The bunch weight of TC 1-229 varied from 17 to 26 kg which was slightly lower than that of'Tai-Chiao No. I' by 1-2 kg with a more significant difference in the month of April. Comparison of the fruit weight per hand and the average finger weight showed that TCl-229 was lighter than that of the check cultivar. Thus small finger size is the main reason for lower bunch weight in TCl-229. The occurrence of uneven degreening after ripening was low in TCl -229 and its fruit quality was as good as'Tai-Chiao No. I'.Because of the semi-dwarf characteristics in TC 1-229, it had the advantages of wind toleran.ce and labor saving. When precautions on cultural practice was taken, TCl-229 has the potential for commercial production in the southern region of Taiwan where Fusarium wilt was the major constraint for banana production. The selection process ofTCl-229 demonstrated the practical application of somaclonal variation in the improvement of banana cultivars for both disease resistance and horticultural traits.
起訖頁 173-182
關鍵詞 香蕉矮性抗黃葉病營養系選種體細胞變異BananaMusa sppDwarfismResistance to fusarium wiltClonal selectionSomaclonal variation
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 200006 (46:2期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣獼猴桃果實貯藏期間成分變化之研究
該期刊-下一篇 臺肥複合肥料對香蕉生育、產量和後熟品質之影響




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