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Survey on Damage of Hai-Li Tangor Caused by Root Lesion Nematode (Pratylenchus ssp.) in Hsinchu County
作者 阮素芬倪俊巖倪万丁陳右人
調查新竹縣關西鎮、芎林鄉、新埔鎮、峨眉鄉四個鄉鎮、49處生長良好之海梨柑果園土壤中根腐線蟲(Root lesion nematode Pratylenchus spp.)族群危害情形,結果顯示無線蟲危害者僅8處,佔16.33%,其餘為極輕微危害者有41處,佔83.67%。顯示新竹地區海梨桶柑園內根腐線蟲發生比例頗高,即使在生長良好的果園中,仍有如此高比例之寄生性線蟲存在,表示其潛在性的危害極為嚴重,如不及早加以防治,可能造成嚴重損失。
A survey was conducted on damages caused by root lesion nematodes and the nematode population in 49 Hai-li tangor orchards distributed in Kunsi, Chunlin, Shinpu, and Earmay in Shiuchu in 1998 December was conducted. Results showed that root lesion nematodes were present in 83.67% of Hai-li tangor orchards and caused damages. Only t6.33% of the orchards did not find this nematode, 41 orchard (83.67%) were very slightly damaged, where the population of nematodes was less than 25 nematodes/100g soil. Up to present there is no significant symptoms of damages caused by nematodes, but the results of the survey showed that it is time to make a more intensive survey on nematode infestation in those citrus orchards and lake necessary actions to prevent nematodes causing serious damages.
起訖頁 204-209
關鍵詞 海梨柑根腐線蟲Hai-Li tangorRoot lesion nematode Pratylenchus spp.
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 199906 (45:2期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 穴格構型對番茄花蓮亞蔬五號種苗盤根及其生育之影響
該期刊-下一篇 茭白黑穗菌(Ustilago esculanta P. Henn)的乙烯釋放




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