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Drivers' Visual Preferences for Material Types Used in Freeway Median Strip
作者 歐聖榮蔡姬綾
本研究主要目的在探討用路者對高速公路中央分隔帶材料型式的偏好及視覺效果,研究應用3D Studio電腦動畫軟體與DPS即時錄畫技術,建構高速公路景觀模型。研究中設定路況、路旁景物、光線及背景等環境因素為固定因子,中央分隔帶材料型式、車速及車道所在位置為控制變項。動畫以錄影帶的方式播放,調查地點選擇泰安休息站,以當地來往的旅客為樣本,進行問卷抽樣調查。研究結果顯示中央分隔帶的材料型式不同、車速不同、車道不同,道路使用者對中央分隔帶材料型式之偏好、安全性、美觀性及舒適性有顯著差異,且偏好與安全性、美觀性及舒適性有顯著相關。
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the visual effects and the preferences of the material types used in freeway median strip based on users' perception. The study set up an experimental landscape view of freeway by using 3D Studio software and DPS personal animation recorder. For experimental design reasons, the study controlled the road condition, roadside landscape, light and background as fixed variables and varied the different material types, speeds and lane locations to measure users' visual preference and visual effect judgment on the simulated landscapes. The survey was taken through television broadcast. Samples were selected from the drivers and passengers at Taian service area of the Sun Yet-sen Freeway. The results showed that the preference, safety, comfort, and beauty of the Sun Yet-sen Freeway median strip were influenced by different material types, speeds, lanes. The evaluation factors, comfort, beauty and safety, were significantly correlated with users' preferences.
起訖頁 297-309
關鍵詞 偏好3D電腦動畫高速公路中央分隔帶preference30 studio softwarefreeway median strip
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 199809 (44:3期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 台中地區居民對行道樹屬性偏好之研究
該期刊-下一篇 插穗節位對空心菜生長影響之研究




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