英文摘要 |
Five turfgrass species, including bermudagrass, centipedegrass, maniJagrass, tropical carpetgrass and sourgrass were studied for the tolerance of soil compaction. The values of soil hardness and bulk density of compacted soil media obviously increased among all tested turfgrasses. After compaction treatment, the number of leaves and shoots or the fresh weight and dry weight of the tops and roots were reduced in all five turfgrasses, however the top/root ratio increased. Comparing the control plants (without compaction treatment), the relative leaf no. (%) and/or relative shoot no. (%) of compacted manilagrass and bermudagrass were obviously higher than those of tropical carpetgrass, centipedegrass and sourgrass. Based on the relative top dry weight (%) and/or relative root dry weight (%) , the maniJagrass had the highest level, followed by bermudagrass and centipedegrass, and then sourgrass and tropical carpetgrass . This suggests that manilagrass and bermudagrass have good tolerance to soil compaction. |