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Some Aspects of Developmental Physiology of the Mango Fruit (Mangifera indica L.) cv. 'Jin-Hwang'
作者 柯立祥韓青梅
金煌芒果(Mangifera indica L. cv. 'Jin Hwang')果實生長呈典型之單S型生長曲線從開花至完熟約需150天。在開花後110天,果實大小幾已發育完全,但果重之增加,則至130天後始趨於減緩。果實乾物含量在120天後明顯增高,硬度則在110天後開始下降,比重在130天以後超過1.0,含水量在120天以後明顯降低,糖/酸比則在110天以後急速增加。以上結果顯示,金煌芒果在開花後110~120天開始進入成熟期。至於金煌芒果在經濟栽培上之採收適期,在兼顧產量、品質以及果實劣變症(fruit disorder)之發生上,高雄六龜地區之適當採收期應以開花後120~130天採收為宜。
Jin-Hwang' mango fruit (Mangifera indica L.) has a typical sigmoid growth curve. The growth of fruit in term of length and width reached nearly its maximum volume in 110 days after anthesis and the gain in weight continued up to the stage of full maturity but the rate was slow after 130 days. During the growth and development of 'Jin-Hwang' mango fruit, the percentage of dry matter increased rapidly after 120 days, the firmness of fruit started to decline after 110 days until full maturity, the specific gravity increased over 1.0 after 130 days and moisture content declined rapidly after 120 days and the soluble solid to acid ratio increased sharply after 110 days. On the basis of these parameters, the growth of 'Jin-Hwang' mango fruit reaches to maturation in 110-120 days after anthesis. Considering the fruit yield, quality, storage and transit, and fruit disorder occurrence, the suitable maturity for harvesting 'Jin-Hwang' mango fruit at 120 to 130 days after anthesis is recommended in Kaohsiung area.
起訖頁 1-15
關鍵詞 芒果開花果實生長與發育成熟度mangoanthesisfruit growth and developmentmaturity
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 199703 (43:1期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 螢光燈管光量及光譜計算式之建立
該期刊-下一篇 螢光燈管光量及光譜計算式之建立




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