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國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Study of the Location Tracking System Application on the Traditional Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE)-Moving Behavior Patterns of Nursing Home Residents for an Example
作者 張喬婷蕭俊杰宋宜璟劉承榮杜功仁 (Kung-Jen Tu)簡聖芬朱浩華黃寶儀
本論文主要結果為透過位置追蹤系統的無線感應技術和傳統的建築技術兩者的結合應用於一個護理之家的建築評估方法。為了協助系統性和長期性的老年人生活的了解,本研究開展「無線感測網路室內定位系統(wireless sensor network-based indoor localization system,以下簡稱WSN-RTLS)」結合建築「使用後評估(post-occupancy evaluation,POE,以下簡稱POE)」在護理之家的整合性研究方向的可能性研究。藉由這個整合,希望能夠在空間使用的需求上,讓護理之家的設施使用更有效率。本研究的主要發現為:(1)首先,以技術來協助POE是可行的,量化的WSN-RTLS以及傳統的建築POE的整合能夠提供完整而長期的資訊來協助短期的POE研究,並且對於住民在護理之家的行動評估是非常重要的;(2)其次,本研究團隊透過整合前述的評估方向,有助於護理之家的品質管理,並作為促進住民生活品質的基礎;(3)第三,POE結合WSN-RTLS的應用對於醫療及護理之家有改善安全/保全、安排及適宜性等管理面向的多重潛力。因此,WSN-RTLS和傳統的POE兩者之間的關係既非兼容亦非相斥,兩者協同使用能夠協助建築物的性能評估。
In this paper, the main results related to a wireless sensor technology and traditional architectural technology by means of a nursing home for the evaluation data acquired from both technologies. To facilitate systematic and long-term study of the collective living of the elder citizen, this research starts an integrated research direction of combining technical ”Wireless Sensor Network-Real Time Location System (WSN-RTLS)” with architectural ”post-occupancy evaluation (POE)” of bourgeoning nursing homes. By this integration, it is hoped that the use of the facilities in the nursing home can be more efficient to meet the requirement of space usage. The major findings in this paper are: (1) It is feasible to utilize technology to assist in POE. The integration of quantitative WSN-RTLS with traditional POE in architecture can provide complete and long-term information to assist in short-term POE research and is very important to the residents of nursing homes; (2) Furthermore, we can integrate the aforementioned evaluations to help with the overall quality management of the nursing home for improvement of the life quality of the senior resident; (3) The application of POE integrated with WSN-RTLS to the nursing home shows multiple potentials to improve the management of safety/security, arrangement, and comfort. As a result, the relationship between WSN-RTLS assisted POE and traditional POE is neither ”inclusive” nor ”exclusive”. The intersection or mutual objective of these two kinds of POE is of course performance evaluation of buildings.
起訖頁 45-62
關鍵詞 護理之家位置追蹤技術無線感測網路室內定位系統使用後評估Nursing HomeLocation Tracking TechnologyWireless Sensor Network-Real Time Location System (WSN-RTLS)Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE)
刊名 國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究學報  
期數 201212 (20期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所
該期刊-上一篇 中國傳統建築木構架的構造技術討論
該期刊-下一篇 都市更新不曾發生:台北市的上流化政策分析




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