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House Price Diffusion and Cross-Border House Price Dynamics in the Greater China Economic Area
作者 簡美瑟陳珮芬胡德中
本文針對大中、台、港、新等四個經濟體之房價進行關連性檢驗,在研究方法上以Toda& Yamamoto(1995)因果檢定、變異數分解與衝擊反應函數來分析此四經濟體房價密切程度。本文得到下列結果:第一、此四經濟體之跨境房價間具有共整合之長期關係。第二、因果檢定顯示台灣房價會單向領先中國房價。第三、衝擊反應函數結果顯示香港房價對於新加坡房價有顯著正向衝擊。第四、變異數分解顯示中國房價在長期下為最外生,表示中國房價不易被其他市場影響;台灣房價對其他房價之影響程度則為最高。
This paper examines the lead-lag relationships and dynamic linkages among the cross-border house prices of four economies in the Greater China Economic Area(GCEA). We determine the extent and magnitude of their relationships by applying the Toda & Yamamoto(1995) causality test, variance decomposition analysis(GDVC), and impulse response analysis(GIRF). Our empirical results reveal compelling implications. First, the empirical results illustrate a long-run equilibrium among crossborder house prices in the GCEA. Second, the results of the Granger causality test provide evidence of a unidirectional relationship running from Taiwan to China. Third, the GIRF demonstrate that Hong Kong initially has a significantly positive impact on Singapore. Finally, the GDVC results indicate that house prices in China are the most exogenous in the long term, implying that China's market cannot be influenced easily by other markets, whereas Taiwan's market more crucially influences the markets of other regions’ in the GCEA.
起訖頁 27-53
關鍵詞 跨境房價擴散大中華經濟圈共整合因果檢定變異數分解cross-border house price diffusionGreater China Economic Areacointegrationgranger causalityvariance decomposition analysis
刊名 住宅學報  
期數 201512 (24:2期)
出版單位 中華民國住宅學會
該期刊-上一篇 以條件評價法估算土地使用變更的外部性對房地產價格之影響程度與作用範圍
該期刊-下一篇 建設產業財務績效與風險值:奢侈稅前後比較




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