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An Investigation into the Factors Influencing the Appraisal Behavior for Real Estate Mortgage Collateral
作者 陳淑美黃麗燕陳彥仲
If the value of real estate mortgage collateral is estimated improperly, the bank will incur costs and the appraiser will suffer from moral hazard. In this respect, rational appraisal behavior is considered to be extremely important. This study explores the interaction relationships between appraisers and mortgage brokers by means of qualitative interviews and advances some hypotheses regarding the factors influencing the appraisal behavior related to real estate collateral. Furthermore, we conducted a quantitative questionnaire survey where all the licensed appraisers in Taiwan were invited to participate, and the response rate was 53.125%; through the survey, we collected data on the appraisers' characteristics, their market information sources, the situations or conditions which affected the ways in which the appraisers adjusted the estimated values and the dependent relationships between the banks and appraisal firms. In the current research, the Ordinal Logit Model was adopted to analyze the factors that influenced the appraiser's determination of the range of adjustment for the estimated valuations. There are at least three findings obtained from this study: (1) if senior appraisers have richer experiences and determine the valuations based mainly on their own experiences, they are unlikely to greatly adjust the valuations of real estate mortgage collateral; (2) when the valuation cases significantly influence the appraisal firms' revenues, there is a higher probability that the appraisers will adjust the estimated valuations; and (3) the higher that the degree of dependence between the appraisal firms and the banks is, the more probable it is that the appraisers will greatly adjust the estimated valuations. Apparently, the appraisal experience and the pressure to generate revenues are the most significant factors which affect the appraisal behavior in relation to real estate mortgage collateral.
起訖頁 59-85
關鍵詞 不動產抵押貸款擔保品估價行為道德風險real estate mortgage collateralappraisal behaviormoral hazard
刊名 住宅學報  
期數 201312 (22:2期)
出版單位 中華民國住宅學會
該期刊-上一篇 中繼屋居住環境滿意度、家庭功能、社會支持與生活品質關係之研究
該期刊-下一篇 老人是否持有不動產與獨居之聯合決策分析──並由居住滿意度分析老人獨居之性質




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