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The Tectonic Composition and Meaning of the Bununs' Traditional Houses
作者 關華山 (Hwa-San Kwan)
The thesis investigates the traditional houses of the Bunun, mainly on their tectonic composition, function and embedded socio-cultural symbolic meanings. The methods of literature reviewing, multiple cases comparison and meaning interpretation are employed. The cases under scrutiny include 11 cases with rough plans recorded by Sayama Ayoushi in 1910s, and 16 cases with photos and in-scale drawings surveyed by S. Chichiwa in 1930s. The findings are the followings: 1. The Bununs are generally divided into five branch groups by kinship division. Somehow, all of them have their houses keeping a same pattern of spatial arrangement. 2. The major difference among houses is their material utilized for construction. Those located in central Taiwan are made of black slate stone and wood, while those located in Eastern and Southern Taiwan. Except of wooden post and lintel, thatched or bark roof and bamboo wall are common. 3. The structure systems of those slate-stone cases are flexible. Some have stone baring wall, and some utilize only post and lintel system. 4. From a variety of customs and rituals, it is shown that the Bununs take their houses as an “cultural womb” which conceive and nurse their clans and lineages. The millet granary implies a metaphor of “semen storage”. On the other hand, their houses estate is also endowed with a meaning of clan or lineage's body with its strong ishian and hanido.
起訖頁 121-158
關鍵詞 布農族傳統家屋構成意義詮釋The BununTraditional HouseMeaning InterpretationTectonics
刊名 住宅學報  
期數 200208 (11:2期)
出版單位 中華民國住宅學會
該期刊-上一篇 台商赴大陸投資與重大非經濟事件對我國房地產景氣的影響
該期刊-下一篇 區域人口遷入台北都會區地點選擇之實證研究




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