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The Hidden Holy Grace: Development of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal among the Pinuyumayan (Puyuma) People of Eastern Taiwan
作者 陳文德
This paper explores the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in a local church of the Pinuyumayan (Puyuma) people of eastern Taiwan which has caused disputes among believers and resulted in an internal schism by traceing its develop from the mid-1990s and focusing on why the Holy Spirit Renaissance resulted in such unexpected consequences. I argue two significant intertwining factors led to the church's schism. The first, which might be common among Catholic churches, is that the members of the movement highlighted the individual's holy grace and challenged the authority of the Church bureaucracy. Secondly, the situation further deteriorated due to the members' lack of respect forthe Catholic elders, a social ethic for the Pinuyumayan people. They even abandoned ancestral tablets that had been installed in their households. At first glance, the members of the movement seemingly paid attention only to cultivating their personal spiritual life. However, when sharing their personal experiences and feelings during weekly prayer meetings, we see rather that they were trying to constitute a new life with their families and fellows. In this sense, the movement demonstrates how they sought to redefine the relationship between personal spiritual life and community involvement, the individual and the collective, the sacred and the profane, as well as religion and culture, in an attempt to balance personal concerns and community sociality in contemporary life.
起訖頁 139-181
關鍵詞 天主教神恩復興運動卑南族人觀社會性PuyumaCatholic Charismatic Rennaisancepersonal spiritualitycommunal socialitygrace
刊名 考古人類學刊  
期數 201706 (86期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學人類學系
該期刊-上一篇 「盜版者就是盜火者」:字幕組網路社群之禮物文化
該期刊-下一篇 《婉君妳好嗎?給覺醒鄉民的PTT進化史》書評




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