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Application of GIS to Catchment Analysis and Landscape Room: A Case Study of OLP III/IV Cultural Phase Sites
作者 劉亭攸
集域分析(catchment analysis)在研究方法的發展上,從簡單的同心圓逐漸修正,並在地理資訊系統(geographic information system)的幫助下將更多變數納入考量。而同時考量取得海、陸資源的能力並建立模型,可以對遺址居民在其環境中的活動有更細緻的了解。透過費由面和視域分析之後,可發現鵝鑾鼻第三/四文化相遺址在集域範圍與地景空間上相互對應。而共享同一地景空間的龜山與猴仙洞遺址,在活動範圍上也各自佔據了山與海的活動範圍,可能衍生出不同的互動模式,應可作為日後檢視兩遺址動物遺留與生業工具時的參考依據。
Through the calculation of cost surface, GIS enables site catchment analysis to move beyond models with simple geometric circles to allow for irregular ranges by considering the different costs of transportation over landscapes. Taking both terrestrial and marine data into consideration, the different accessibility of resources within a site catchment can be understood in more detail, and archaeologists can use this information to create a model of interaction between sites and their environment.According to the location of six sites from the O-luan-pi III/IV phase, and through the analysis of cost-surface and viewshed of digital elevation model (DEM) in GIS, I divide the coastal area of the O-luan-pi peninsula into four different landscape rooms. Two landscape rooms are separately occupied by a single site, and the other two landscape rooms each have two sites within them. It would seem natural to expect that catchments of sites sharing the same landscape room would overlap and that the activities of the sites on land would influence each other on land. However, through the analyses of current and wind data, it appears that sites sharing the same landscape room have different accessibility to terrestrial and marine environments. These variations may have led those sites to maintain their independent site catchments rather than competingwith each other for resources.
起訖頁 47-70
關鍵詞 鵝鑾鼻第三/四文化相集域分析費由面視域分析動物遺留地景空間OLP III/IV phasecatchment analysiscost surfaceviewshed analysisfauna remainslandscape room
刊名 考古人類學刊  
期數 201312 (79期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學人類學系
該期刊-上一篇 宜蘭線丸山遺址內部空間配置初探:地理資訊系統的運用
該期刊-下一篇 聚落空間與社會鄰群:電子運算考古學在排灣高士舊社Saqacengalj的運用




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