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Using Intellectual Property Rights to Protect Indigenous Cultures: Critique on the Recent Development in Taiwan
作者 林開世
After the establishment of the Council of Indigenous Affairs, the indigenous people's movement in Taiwan began to turn its attention to the problem of passing special legislations to advance and consolidate gains and benefits. One of the major developments in recent years was the use of intellectual property rights to protect and promote indigenous cultures. Examining the ”Protection Act for the Traditional Intellectual Creations of Indigenous Peoples” passed by the legislators in 2007, this article points out that even though the Act tries to circumvent limitations of current intellectual property right law, its basic assumptions about the nature of cultural tradition are too idealized and rigid to cope with the complexity of socio-cultural dynamics in Taiwan. The political construction of ethnic classification by various colonial regimes in the past and the flexible tradition of indigenous art and crafts in the present all challenge any attempt to erect hard boundaries among different ethnic cultures. Thus, this article argues that the Protection Act is not just unnecessary but could be detrimental to the vitality and creativity of indigenous cultures in contemporary Taiwan.
起訖頁 185-220
關鍵詞 智慧財產權臺灣原住民文化權傳統智慧創作intellectual property rightsindigenous peoples in Taiwancultural rightstraditional intellectual creation
刊名 考古人類學刊  
期數 200706 (67期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學人類學系
該期刊-上一篇 破碎的家庭與噤聲的個人主義:臺灣都會家庭暴力和女性反抗策略




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