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Failed Families and Quiet Individualism: Domestic Abuse and Women's Strategies of Resistance in Urban Taiwan
作者 林楓
The tensions between individual desires and the needs of the family exist in any society. Yet in Taiwan there is a greater rhetorical emphasis on self sacrifice for the needs of family than in many Western nations. In the following pages Ⅰ will draw on several interviews and closely examine five in depth interviews of domestic abuse in Taiwan in order to explore just how far individual sacrifices can be demanded in the name of familial responsibility. These are by no means common cases in Taiwan but they highlight tensions between individual needs and group obligations in starker clarity than average familial relations. Confucianism is so male oriented that its effects on women are understudied. The following pages will demonstrate the tremendous moral and psychological force that Confucianism has also had on women. The extent to which the women in these accounts have suffered for their families is shocking, yet their stories also highlight the fact that even in the most extreme cases of familial abuse, individuals still maneuver to fulfill their own wants and needs to the degree that it is possible. This demonstrates what Ⅰ have called Quiet Individualism, as opposed to the more overt Western Enlightenment form of Individualism, in that individuals attempt to protect their own interests while maintaining an ideological commitment to Confucian precepts that familial concerns outweigh individual interests.
起訖頁 157-184
關鍵詞 家庭暴力家庭孝順性別噤聲的個人主義臺灣domestic abusefamilyfilial pietygenderquiet individualismTaiwan
刊名 考古人類學刊  
期數 200706 (67期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學人類學系
該期刊-上一篇 史前臺灣的兩縊型網墜與投網技術
該期刊-下一篇 用智慧財產權來保護原住民文化:對臺灣最近的發展之批判




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