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Hsieh Lingyun's Aesthetic Accomplishment and the Artistic Beauty in His Scenery Poems
作者 陳怡良
Hsieh Lingyun inaugurated the writing of scenery poems, which integrate the secular world with natural scenery, thus creating a genre imbued with fresh landscapes and aesthetic exquisiteness. His representation of nature therefore enriches literary creation, cultivates a unique writing style, and develops aesthetic sensitivity. However due to different aesthetic tastes, different critical practices, and different understanding of Hsieh's employment of landscape, most criticisms on his (scenery) poetry are biased. This paper aims therefore to reevaluate Hsieh's poetry through his aesthetic accomplishment and the aesthetic beauty exhibited in his scenery poems. I would argue that Hsieh's aesthetic accomplishment is derived from his talent and his family tradition and inspired by the natural beauty of Chiangnan and the ideological trend of beauty of his contemporaries. His is then well-cultivated in aesthetics which in turn develops his ability to appraise beauty and which stimulates his poetic creation, his verbal simulacrum of nature, in a way that is distinctive of his in terms of the use of language, structure, formulation and inherent philosophy. Unusualness, sublimity, and obliqueness— typical of his scenery poems— are then synthesized in his representation of nature, whose virtuosity can never be surpassed by future generations.
起訖頁 111-146
關鍵詞 謝靈運山水詩審美素養藝術美理趣Hsieh Lingyunscenery poemsaesthetic accomplishmentaestheticsphilosophy
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 200507 (12期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 龍瑛宗筆下的寒村和枇杷莊風情畫




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