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Proving the Prosperity and Variable Changes of Lexicon from the Nearly Years News Headlines - Concurrently Discussing the Importance of Lexicology
作者 許長謨
This research intent s to interpret the prosperity and variable changes of lexicon through substantial evidences, and to explain its importance by the analysis among the interaction and the connection of the word sounds, the morphology and the meaning of the words. The research field that we explore is the news headlines that used by the recent years newspaper that provides necessary materials for this comparative analysis. Chapter one discusses the definition, the research scope and the methodology. Second chapter discusses about : the different linguistic aspects in interaction. Then shows to the lexical influence after the multilingual contact in Taiwan. Third chapter concerns the connection between the science of lexicology and other correlated disciplines, for example: dialectology or language investigation, pragmatics, applied linguistics, psycholinguistics, computer linguistics or social linguistics and so on. Chapter four mentions the aspects linked from the lexicology to the literature, as the more concrete usage, like rhetoric figures (metaphor, parallelism, similar morphemic use, pun and so on, the stylistic is also a key point in the meantime. Conclusion shows the ideal purpose that indicate us how to use the words more correctly.
起訖頁 167-199
關鍵詞 語音詞彙語義詞彙學語用學修辭語體風格文學標題lexiconsemanticsphonologypragmaticsrhetoricstylisticliteraturenews headline s
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 200311 (11期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 《宗鏡錄》與輯佚──以典籍之校補、補闕為中心
該期刊-下一篇 清末民初繡像鼓詞百卅種綜論




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