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The Collection of Missing Passages Found in Zong-Jing Lu-Focus on the Supplementary of Classical Texts-
作者 王翠玲
It is a common serious problem in Chinese classical materials that old books and texts could not be preserved properly and often missed part or some of them due to the natural disasters as well as human mistakes. For instance, the notorious Five Disasters and Ten Disasters occurred before and destroyed four famous Confucian classical texts. (四部典章). It is inevitable to think that texts and resources regarding Buddhism could have been missed a lot too. In pursuing the thought of Jun Ming Yen So, I found that the issue of missing classical texts became even more serious which could profoundly have affected those researches worked by young scholars. Therefore, I began to collect 100 volumes of Zong-Jing Lu(宗鏡錄) referring to more than 300 different books and found many missing classical texts(內外典籍) cited in this book. In the past, not many scholars were interested in those classical texts. However, it is significant for scholars to make more efforts on collecting and explaining the meaning as well as the importance of those missing classical texts or passages from the aspect of primary materials in addition to the gospel of Buddhism out of it. This is the main purpose of my research.
起訖頁 147-165
關鍵詞 永明延壽《宗鏡錄》輯佚才命論六行法Jun Min Yin SoZong-Jing LuLiu Xing FaTsai Min LuenCollection of missing texts
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 200311 (11期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 酣觴賦詩——論陶詩的飲酒主題
該期刊-下一篇 從近三年報刊標題看語詞的豐富多變兼論詞彙學的重要




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